Luciana M Rangel
Luciana M Rangel
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
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Understanding the winning strategies used by the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
MA Burford, J Beardall, A Willis, PT Orr, VF Magalhaes, LM Rangel, ...
Harmful Algae 54, 44-53, 2016
Phytoplankton biomass is mainly controlled by hydrology and phosphorus concentrations in tropical hydroelectric reservoirs
LM Rangel, LHS Silva, P Rosa, F Roland, VLM Huszar
Hydrobiologia 693, 13-28, 2012
Morphology-based functional groups as effective indicators of phytoplankton dynamics in a tropical cyanobacteria-dominated transitional river–reservoir system
LM Rangel, MCS Soares, R Paiva, LHS Silva
Ecological Indicators 64, 217-227, 2016
Drivers of phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, and zooplankton carbon biomass in tropical hydroelectric reservoirs
LHS Silva, VLM Huszar, MM Marinho, LM Rangel, J Brasil, ...
Limnologica 48, 1-10, 2014
Close link between harmful cyanobacterial dominance and associated bacterioplankton in a tropical eutrophic reservoir
IA Guedes, CTCC Rachid, LM Rangel, LHS Silva, PM Bisch, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 424, 2018
Cyanobacteria are controlled by omnivorous filter-feeding fish (Nile tilapia) in a tropical eutrophic reservoir
G Salazar Torres, LHS Silva, LM Rangel, JL Attayde, VLM Huszar
Hydrobiologia 765, 115-129, 2016
Toxicity Overrides Morphology on Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii Grazing Resistance to the Calanoid Copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis
LM Rangel, KA Ger, LHS Silva, MCS Soares, EJ Faassen, M Lürling
Microbial Ecology 71, 835-844, 2016
Microbial food-web drivers in tropical reservoirs
CD Domingues, LHS da Silva, LM Rangel, L de Magalhães, ...
Microbial Ecology 73, 505-520, 2017
Driving forces of the diel distribution of phytoplankton functional groups in a shallow tropical lake (Lake Monte Alegre, Southeast Brazil)
LM Rangel, LHS Silva, MS Arcifa, A Perticarrari
Brazilian Journal of Biology 69, 75-85, 2009
Copepod prey selection and grazing efficiency mediated by chemical and morphological defensive traits of cyanobacteria
LM Rangel, LHS Silva, EJ Faassen, M Lürling, KA Ger
Toxins 12 (7), 465, 2020
Responses of morphology-based phytoplankton functional groups to spatial variation in two tropical reservoirs with long water-residence time
L de Magalhães, LM Rangel, A de Melo Rocha, SJ Cardoso, ...
Inland Waters 11 (1), 29-43, 2021
Fatores direcionadores da distribuição nictemeral de grupos funcionais fitoplanctônicos de um lago brasileiro raso e tropical
LM Rangel, LHS Silva, MS Arcifa, A Perticarrari
Brazilian Journal of Biology 69, 75-85, 2009
Florações de cianobactérias no Reservatório do Funil: antigo problema, novas questões e perspectivas
LM Rangel
Tese de Doutorado - UFRJ, 2014
Algas planctônicas em reservatórios de hidrelétricas brasileiras: Atlas
VLMH J.B.O. Santos, M. C. S. Soares, L.H.S. Silva, M. Menezes, M.G.L. Sophia ...
Algas planctônicas e sua ocorrência em reservatórios de Furnas Centrais …, 2009
Hidrologia, condições físicas, disponibilidade de nutrientes e herbivoria como fatores controladores do fitoplâncton em oito reservatórios de hidrelétricas brasileiras
LM Rangel
Dissertação de Mestrado - UFRJ, 2009
Dinâmica Nictemeral do Fitoplâncton do Lago Monte Alegre, Ribeirão Preto, SP
LM Rangel
Monografia Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas Universidade Gama Filho, 2006
Supplementary Material: Copepod Prey Selection and Grazing Efficiency Mediated by Chemical and Morphological Defensive Traits of Cyanobacteria
LM Rangel, LHS Silva, EJ Faassen, M Lürling, KA Ger
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Articles 1–17