Luis Mendo Tomás
Luis Mendo Tomás
Profesor titular de universidad. ETSI Telecomunicación. UPM
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Transmisión por radio
JMH Rábanos, LM Tomás, JMR Salis
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, 2013
Comunicaciones móviles
JMH Rábanos, LM Tomás, JMR Salís
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, 2015
On dimension reduction for the power control problem
L Mendo, JM Hernando
IEEE Transactions on Communications 49 (2), 243-248, 2001
Transmisión por radio
JM Hernando, J RIERA, L Mendo
Madrid-España: Editorial Univeritaria Ramón Areces, 2013
Comunicaciones móviles
JM Hernando Rábanos, L Mendo Tomás, JM Riera Salís
Madrid: Editorial universitaria Ramón Areces, 2004
A simple sequential stopping rule for Monte Carlo simulation
L Mendo, JM Hernando
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54 (2), 231-241, 2006
Estimation of a probability with guaranteed normalized mean absolute error
L Mendo
IEEE communications letters 13 (11), 817-819, 2009
Indoor LOS propagation measurements and modeling at 26, 32, and 39 GHz millimeter-wave frequency bands
D Pimienta-del-Valle, L Mendo, JM Riera, P Garcia-del-Pino
Electronics 9 (11), 1867, 2020
How does spectrum affect mobile network deployments? empirical analysis using crowdsourced big data
Z Frias, L Mendo, EJ Oughton
IEEE Access 8, 190812-190821, 2020
Improved sequential stopping rule for Monte Carlo simulation
L Mendo, JM Hernando
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56 (11), 1761-1764, 2008
Capacidad en sistemas celulares W-CDMA
L Mendo
Madrid: Universidad Politénica de Madrid, 2001
Indoor path loss measurements at the 5G millimeter-wave bands of 26 and 39 GHz
D Pimienta-del-Valle, S Hernández-Sáenz, P Sáiz-Coronado, L Mendo, ...
2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2019
Outer loop power control method and apparatus for wireless communications systems
AC Camacho, MB Carmona, LM Tomas, JMH Rabanos, AL Medrano
US Patent 7,496,376, 2009
An asymptotically optimal Bernoulli factory for certain functions that can be expressed as power series
L Mendo
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (11), 4366-4384, 2019
Uplink and downlink traffic capacity performance in WCDMA systems
L Mendo, JM Hernando
Proc. Wireless Des. Conf 1, 117-120, 2002
Estimation of a probability with optimum guaranteed confidence in inverse binomial sampling
L Mendo, JM Hernando
Path loss results in an indoor corridor scenario at the 26, 32 and 39 GHz millimeter-wave bands
D Pimienta-del-Valle, L Mendo, JM Riera, P Garcia-del-Pino
2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2021
Development of measurement and modeling procedures of diffractive near-LOS wireless links
S Pérez-Peña, M Castiella-Fernández, P Velasco-de-la-Fuente, JM Riera, ...
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International …, 2020
System-level analysis of closed-loop power control in the uplink of DS-CDMA cellular networks
L Mendo, JM Hernando
IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications 6 (5), 1681-1691, 2007
An efficient algorithm for determination of the optimum base-station assignment in cellular DS-CDMA systems
L Mendo, JM Hernando
IEEE transactions on communications 52 (3), 435-445, 2004
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Articles 1–20