Post-carboniferous stratigraphy, northeastern Alaska RL Detterman, HN Reiser, WP Brosge, JT Dutro Jr Professional Paper, 1975 | 199 | 1975 |
Devonian brachiopods of New Mexico G Cooper | 149 | 1982 |
Paleozoic sequence in eastern Brooks Range, Alaska WP Brosge, JT Dutro Jr, MD Mangus, HN Reiser AAPG Bulletin 46 (12), 2174-2198, 1962 | 149 | 1962 |
Carboniferous megafaunal and microfaunal zonation in the northern Cordillera of the United States WJ Sando, BL Mamet, JT Dutro Jr Professional Paper, 1969 | 134 | 1969 |
The Paleozoic section in the Shainin Lake area, central Brooks Range, Alaska AL Bowsher, JT Dutro Jr Professional Paper, 1957 | 133 | 1957 |
Glaciation on the arctic slope of the Brooks Range, northern Alaska RL Detterman, AL Bowsher, JT Dutro Arctic 11 (1), 43-61, 1958 | 100 | 1958 |
Foraminiferal zonation and carbonate facies of Carboniferous (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) Lisburne Group, central and eastern Brooks Range, arctic Alaska AK Armstrong, BL Mamet, JT Dutro Jr AAPG Bulletin 54 (5), 687-698, 1970 | 87 | 1970 |
Geologic map of the Demarcation Point quadrangle, Alaska HN Reiser, WP Brosge, RL Detterman, JT Durto Jr Open-File Report, 1978 | 82 | 1978 |
Geology of Alaska bordering the Arctic Ocean JT Dutro Jr The Arctic Ocean, 21-36, 1981 | 78 | 1981 |
Geologic significance of Doonerak structural high, central Brooks Range, Alaska JT Dutro Jr, PB William, MA Lanphere, HN Reiser AAPG Bulletin 60 (6), 952-961, 1976 | 75 | 1976 |
A new Late Devonian gastropod and its bearing on problems of open coiling and septation EL Yochelson, JT Dutro Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 3, 231-241, 1971 | 72 | 1971 |
Generalized geologic map of the Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska JT Dillon, WP Brosgé, JT Dutro Jr Open-File Report, 1986 | 68 | 1986 |
Stratigraphy and coral zonation of the Madison Group and Brazer Dolomite in northeastern Utah, western Wyoming, and southwestern Montana WJ Sando, JT Dutro Jr Wyoming Geological Association, 1960 | 67 | 1960 |
Brazer Dolomite (Mississippian), Randolph Quadrangle, Northeast Utah WJ Sando, JT Dutro Jr, WC Gere AAPG Bulletin 43 (12), 2741-2769, 1959 | 67 | 1959 |
Significance of recently discovered Cambrian fossils and reinterpretation of Neruokpuk Formation, northeastern Alaska JT Dutro Jr, WP Brosgé, HN Reiser AAPG Bulletin 56 (4), 808-815, 1972 | 65 | 1972 |
New Mississippian formations and faunal zones in Chesterfield Range, Portneuf quadrangle, southeast Idaho JT Dutro Jr, WJ Sando AAPG Bulletin 47 (11), 1963 | 65 | 1963 |
Preliminary geologic map, Mt. Michelson quadrangle, Alaska HN Reiser, WP Brosge, JT Dutro Jr, RL Detterman Open-File Report, 1971 | 62 | 1971 |
Devonian brachiopod biostratigraphy of New York State JT Dutro | 56 | 1981 |
Geologic map of Alaska: US Geol JT Dutro Jr, TG Payne Survey, scale 1 (2,500,000), 1957 | 52 | 1957 |
Map, tables, and summary of fossil and isotopic age data, Mount Hayes quadrangle, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska WJ Nokleberg, JN Aleinikoff, JT Dutro Jr, MA Lanphere, NJ Silberling, ... Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, 1992 | 48 | 1992 |