Oscar Blanco-Novoa
Oscar Blanco-Novoa
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A review on industrial augmented reality systems for the industry 4.0 shipyard
P Fraga-Lamas, TM Fernandez-Carames, O Blanco-Novoa, ...
Ieee Access 6, 13358-13375, 2018
Towards an autonomous industry 4.0 warehouse: A UAV and blockchain-based system for inventory and traceability applications in big data-driven supply chain management
TM Fernández-Caramés, O Blanco-Novoa, I Froiz-Míguez, ...
Sensors 19 (10), 2394, 2019
A practical evaluation of commercial industrial augmented reality systems in an industry 4.0 shipyard
O Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernandez-Carames, P Fraga-Lamas, ...
Ieee Access 6, 8201-8218, 2018
Enabling the internet of mobile crowdsourcing health things: A mobile fog computing, blockchain and IoT based continuous glucose monitoring system for diabetes mellitus …
TM Fernández-Caramés, I Froiz-Míguez, O Blanco-Novoa, ...
Sensors 19 (15), 3319, 2019
An electricity price-aware open-source smart socket for the internet of energy
Ó Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 17 (3), 643, 2017
A cost-effective IoT system for monitoring indoor radon gas concentration
O Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
Sensors 18 (7), 2198, 2018
Design, implementation, and empirical validation of an IoT smart irrigation system for fog computing applications based on Lora and Lorawan sensor nodes
I Froiz-Míguez, P Lopez-Iturri, P Fraga-Lamas, M Celaya-Echarri, ...
Sensors 20 (23), 6865, 2020
Creating collaborative augmented reality experiences for industry 4.0 training and assistance applications: Performance evaluation in the shipyard of the future
A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, M Vilar-Montesinos, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (24), 9073, 2020
A UAV and blockchain-based system for industry 4.0 inventory and traceability applications
TM Fernández-Caramés, O Blanco-Novoa, M Suárez-Albela, ...
Proceedings 4 (1), 26, 2018
Creating the internet of augmented things: An open-source framework to make iot devices and augmented and mixed reality systems talk to each other
Ó Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, M A. Vilar-Montesinos, ...
Sensors 20 (11), 3328, 2020
Design and empirical validation of a Bluetooth 5 fog computing based industrial CPS architecture for intelligent industry 4.0 shipyard workshops
P Fraga-Lamas, P Lopez-Iturri, M Celaya-Echarri, O Blanco-Novoa, ...
IEEE Access 8, 45496-45511, 2020
Developing the next generation of augmented reality games for pediatric healthcare: an open-source collaborative framework based on ARCore for implementing teaching, training …
A Vidal-Balea, Ó Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, TM Fernández-Caramés
Sensors 21 (5), 1865, 2021
Analysis, design and practical validation of an augmented reality teaching system based on microsoft hololens 2 and edge computing
A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, I Picallo-Guembe, M Celaya-Echarri, ...
Engineering Proceedings 2 (1), 52, 2020
A collaborative industrial augmented reality digital twin: Developing the future of shipyard 4.0
A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, M Vilar-Montesinos, ...
International summit smart city 360, 104-120, 2021
Towards the internet of augmented things: An open-source framework to interconnect iot devices and augmented reality systems
Ó Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, MA Vilar-Montesinos, ...
Proceedings 42 (1), 50, 2019
Design and experimental validation of an augmented reality system with wireless integration for context aware enhanced show experience in auditoriums
I Picallo, A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, P Lopez-Iturri, P Fraga-Lamas, ...
IEEE Access 9, 5466-5484, 2020
Collaborative augmented digital twin: A novel open-source augmented reality solution for training and maintenance processes in the shipyard of the future
A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, M Vilar-Montesinos, ...
Engineering Proceedings 7 (1), 10, 2021
A collaborative augmented reality application for training and assistance during shipbuilding assembly processes
A Vidal-Balea, O Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, M Vilar-Montesinos, ...
Proceedings 54 (1), 2020
An open-source IoT power outlet system for scheduling appliance operation intervals based on real-time electricity cost
O Blanco-Novoa, TM Fernández-Caramés, P Fraga-Lamas, L Castedo
2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2017
Design and Evaluation of a Cross-Lingual ML-based Automatic Speech Recognition System Fine-tuned for the Galician Language.
I Froiz-Míguez, Ó Blanco-Novoa, P Fraga-Lamas, D Fustes, JCD Vázquez, ...
XoveTIC, 152-155, 2022
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