James Brasington
James Brasington
Director, Waterways Centre, University of Canterbury, NZ
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‘Structure-from-Motion’photogrammetry: a low-cost, effective tool for geoscience applications
MJ Westoby, J Brasington, NF Glasser, MJ Hambrey, JM Reynolds
Geomorphology 179, 300-314, 2012
Accounting for uncertainty in DEMs from repeat topographic surveys: improved sediment budgets
JM Wheaton, J Brasington, SE Darby, DA Sear
Earth surface processes and landforms: the journal of the British …, 2010
Modelling the topography of shallow braided rivers using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry
L Javernick, J Brasington, B Caruso
Geomorphology 213, 166-182, 2014
Methodological sensitivity of morphometric estimates of coarse fluvial sediment transport
J Brasington, J Langham, B Rumsby
Geomorphology 53 (3-4), 299-316, 2003
Monitoring and modelling morphological change in a braided gravel‐bed river using high resolution GPS‐based survey
J Brasington, BT Rumsby, RA McVey
Earth surface processes and landforms: the journal of the British …, 2000
Object-based land cover classification using airborne LiDAR
AS Antonarakis, KS Richards, J Brasington
Remote Sensing of environment 112 (6), 2988-2998, 2008
Modeling river bed morphology, roughness, and surface sedimentology using high resolution terrestrial laser scanning
J Brasington, D Vericat, I Rychkov
Water Resources Research 48, W11519, 2012
Modelling outburst floods from moraine-dammed glacial lakes
MJ Westoby, NF Glasser, J Brasington, MJ Hambrey, DJ Quincey, ...
Earth Science Reviews 134, 137-159, 2014
Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains: ecological implications and a potential modelling strategy
K Richards, J Brasington, F Hughes
Freshwater Biology 47 (4), 559-579, 2002
In situ characterization of grain‐scale fluvial morphology using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
R Hodge, J Brasington, K Richards
Earth surface processes and landforms 34 (7), 954-968, 2009
Analysing laser‐scanned digital terrain models of gravel bed surfaces: linking morphology to sediment transport processes and hydraulics
R Hodge, J Brasington, K Richards
Sedimentology 56 (7), 2024-2043, 2009
Morphodynamic signatures of braiding mechanisms as expressed through change in sediment storage in a gravel‐bed river
JM Wheaton, J Brasington, SE Darby, A Kasprak, D Sear, D Vericat
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, 759–779, 2013
Reduced complexity strategies for modelling urban floodplain inundation
HK McMillan, J Brasington
Geomorphology 90 (3-4), 226-243, 2007
Coupling agent-based models of subsistence farming with individual-based forest models and dynamic models of water distribution
M Bithell, J Brasington
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (2), 173-190, 2009
Turbidity and suspended sediment dynamics in small catchments in the Nepal Middle Hills
J Brasington, K Richards
Hydrological processes 14 (14), 2559-2574, 2000
Linking geomorphic changes to salmonid habitat at a scale relevant to fish
JM Wheaton, J Brasington, SE Darby, J Merz, GB Pasternack, D Sear, ...
River research and applications 26 (4), 469-486, 2010
Interactions between model predictions, parameters and DTM scales for TOPMODEL
J Brasington, K Richards
Computers & Geosciences 24 (4), 299-314, 1998
Hyperscale terrain modelling of braided rivers: fusing mobile terrestrial laser scanning and optical bathymetric mapping
RD Williams, J Brasington, D Vericat, DM Hicks
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 167–183, 2013
Small-catchment perspective on Himalayan weathering fluxes
AJ West, MJ Bickle, R Collins, J Brasington
Geology 30 (4), 355-358, 2002
Accuracy assessment of aerial photographs acquired using lighter‐than‐air blimps: low‐cost tools for mapping river corridors
D Vericat, J Brasington, J Wheaton, M Cowie
River Research and Applications 25 (8), 985-1000, 2009
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