Yanshan Lou
Yanshan Lou
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
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New ductile fracture criterion for prediction of fracture forming limit diagrams of sheet metals
Y Lou, H Huh, S Lim, K Pack
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (25), 3605-3615, 2012
Modeling of shear ductile fracture considering a changeable cut-off value for stress triaxiality
Y Lou, JW Yoon, H Huh
International Journal of plasticity 54, 56-80, 2014
Asymmetric yield function based on the stress invariants for pressure sensitive metals
JW Yoon, Y Lou, J Yoon, MV Glazoff
International Journal of Plasticity 56, 184-202, 2014
Prediction of ductile fracture for advanced high strength steel with a new criterion: Experiments and simulation
Y Lou, H Huh
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (8), 1284-1302, 2013
Modeling of ductile fracture from shear to balanced biaxial tension for sheet metals
Y Lou, L Chen, T Clausmeyer, AE Tekkaya, JW Yoon
International Journal of Solids and Structures 112, 169-184, 2017
Extension of a shear-controlled ductile fracture model considering the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter
Y Lou, H Huh
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (2), 447-455, 2013
Fracture-based forming limit criteria for anisotropic materials in sheet metal forming
N Park, H Huh, SJ Lim, Y Lou, YS Kang, MH Seo
International Journal of Plasticity 96, 1-35, 2017
Anisotropic yield function based on stress invariants for BCC and FCC metals and its extension to ductile fracture criterion
Y Lou, JW Yoon
International Journal of Plasticity 101, 125-155, 2018
Anisotropic ductile fracture criterion based on linear transformation
Y Lou, JW Yoon
International journal of plasticity 93, 3-25, 2017
Consideration of strength differential effect in sheet metals with symmetric yield functions
Y Lou, H Huh, JW Yoon
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 66, 214-223, 2013
Strength modeling of sheet metals from shear to plane strain tension
Y Lou, S Zhang, JW Yoon
International Journal of Plasticity 134, 102813, 2020
Correlation of the maximum shear stress with micro-mechanisms of ductile fracture for metals with high strength-to-weight ratio
Y Lou, JW Yoon, H Huh, Q Chao, JH Song
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 146, 583-601, 2018
Application of the modified Mohr–Coulomb fracture criterion in predicting the ballistic resistance of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy plates impacted by blunt projectiles
X Xiao, H Pan, Y Bai, Y Lou, L Chen
International Journal of Impact Engineering 123, 26-37, 2019
Effect of the Lode parameter in predicting shear cracking of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy Taylor rods
X Xiao, Z Mu, H Pan, Y Lou
International Journal of Impact Engineering 120, 185-201, 2018
Evaluation of ductile fracture criteria in a general three-dimensional stress state considering the stress triaxiality and the lode parameter
Y Lou, H Huh
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 26 (6), 642-658, 2013
A general yield function with differential and anisotropic hardening for strength modelling under various stress states with non-associated flow rule
Y Lou, C Zhang, S Zhang, JW Yoon
International Journal of Plasticity 158, 103414, 2022
A reduced Yld2004 function for modeling of anisotropic plastic deformation of metals under triaxial loading
Y Lou, S Zhang, JW Yoon
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 161, 105027, 2019
Effect of Lode angle in predicting the ballistic resistance of Weldox 700 E steel plates struck by blunt projectiles
X Xiao, Y Wang, VV Vershinin, L Chen, Y Lou
International Journal of Impact Engineering 128, 46-71, 2019
Alternative approach to model ductile fracture by incorporating anisotropic yield function
Y Lou, JW Yoon
International Journal of Solids and Structures 164, 12-24, 2019
Tensile fracture of ultrafine grained aluminum 6061 sheets by asymmetric cryorolling for microforming
H Yu, K Tieu, C Lu, Y Lou, X Liu, A Godbole, C Kong
International journal of damage mechanics 23 (8), 1077-1095, 2014
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