Park Thaichon 🍁
Park Thaichon 🍁
University of Southern Queensland
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Digital technologies: tensions in privacy and data
S Quach, P Thaichon, K Martin, S Weaven, R Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2022
Would you like to shop via mobile app technology? The technology acceptance model, social factors and purchase intention
A Vahdat, A Alizadeh, S Quach, N Hamelin, P Thaichon
Australasian Marketing Journal 29 (2), 187-197, 2021
A meta‐analysis of customer engagement behaviour
M Barari, M Ross, S Thaichon, J Surachartkumtonkun
International Journal of Consumer Studies 45 (4), 457-477, 2021
From connoisseur luxury to mass luxury: Value co-creation and co-destruction in the online environment
S Quach, P Thaichon
Journal of Business Research 81, 163-172, 2017
Influencer marketing: Homophily, customer value co-creation behaviour and purchase intention
Y Bu, J Parkinson, P Thaichon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 66, 102904, 2022
Antecedents and consequences of panic buying: The case of COVID‐19
C Prentice, S Quach, P Thaichon
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2021
Digital content marketing as a catalyst for e-WOM in food tourism
Y Bu, J Parkinson, P Thaichon
Australasian Marketing Journal 29 (2), 142-154, 2021
Surviving an economic downturn: Dynamic capabilities of SMEs
S Weaven, S Quach, P Thaichon, L Frazer, K Billot, D Grace
Journal of Business Research 128, 109-123, 2021
Emotion and advertising effectiveness: A novel facial expression analysis approach
N Hamelin, O El Moujahid, P Thaichon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 36, 103-111, 2017
The development of service quality dimensions for internet service providers: Retaining customers of different usage patterns
P Thaichon, A Lobo, C Prentice, TN Quach
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21 (6), 1047-1058, 2014
Internet service providers' service quality and its effect on customer loyalty of different usage patterns
TN Quach, P Thaichon, C Jebarajakirthy
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 29, 104-113, 2016
Hybrid sales structures in the age of e-commerce
P Thaichon, J Surachartkumtonkun, S Quach, S Weaven, RW Palmatier
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 38 (3), 277-302, 2018
The relationship between service quality, satisfaction, trust, value, commitment and loyalty of Internet service providers' customers
P Thaichon, TN Quach
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 25 (4), 295-313, 2015
The influence of relationship marketing orientation on brand equity in banks
D Yoganathan, C Jebarajakirthy, P Thaichon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 26, 14-22, 2015
Consumer socialization process: The role of age in children's online shopping behavior
P Thaichon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 34 (January 2017), 38–47, 2017
An empirical model of home internet services quality in Thailand
P Thaichon, A Lobo, A Mitsis
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 26 (2), 190-210, 2014
The effect of AI quality on customer experience and brand relationship
T Nguyen, S Quach, P Thaichon
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2021
‘The persuasion effects of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) video advertisements: A conceptual review’
A Jayawardena, N., Thaichon, P., Quach, S., Razzaq, A., Behl
Journal of Business Research, 2023
Understanding online shopping behaviours and purchase intentions amongst millennials
M Dharmesti, TRS Dharmesti, S Kuhne, P Thaichon
Young Consumers 22 (1), 152-167, 2021
Moving from multi-channel to Omni-channel retailing: Special issue introduction
P Thaichon, I Phau, S Weaven
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020
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