Palix Julie
Palix Julie
Département de Psychiatrie, CHUV, Lausanne
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A new electrophysiological index for working memory load in humans
P Missonnier, U Leonards, G Gold, J Palix, V Ibáñez, P Giannakopoulos
Neuroreport 14 (11), 1451-1455, 2003
Predicting physically violent misconduct in prison: A comparison of four risk assessment instruments
M Abbiati, J Palix, J Gasser, V Moulin
Behavioral sciences & the law 37 (1), 61-77, 2019
Cannabis, a significant risk factor for violent behavior in the early phase psychosis. Two patterns of interaction of factors increase the risk of violent behavior: cannabis …
V Moulin, P Baumann, M Gholamrezaee, L Alameda, J Palix, J Gasser, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 9, 294, 2018
Impulsivity in early psychosis: A complex link with violent behaviour and a target for intervention
V Moulin, P Golay, J Palix, PS Baumann, MM Gholamrezaeec, A Azzola, ...
European psychiatry 49, 30-36, 2018
Validity and Predictive Accuracy of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk in Criminal Forensic Evaluations: a Swiss Cross-Validation Retrospective …
V Abbiati, M, Azzola, A, Palix, J, Gasser, J, & Moulin
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2016
Violent behaviour in early psychosis patients: can we identify clinical risk profiles?
CP Moulin V., Palix J., Golay P., Dumais A., Gholamrezaee M., Azzola A ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2017
Substance-use disorders, personality traits, and sex differences in institutionalized adolescents
S Habersaat, J Ramain, G Mantzouranis, J Palix, C Boonmann, JM Fegert, ...
The american journal of drug and alcohol abuse 44 (6), 686-694, 2018
Substance-use disorders among child welfare and juvenile justice adolescents in residential care: The role of childhood adversities and impulsive behavior
S Seker, S Habersaat, C Boonmann, J Palix, N Jenkel, S Fischer, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 121, 105825, 2021
Changes in heart rate variability recorded in natural situation with t-shirt integrated sensors and level of observed behavioral excitation: a pilot study of patients with …
J Palix, M Akselrod, C Cungi, F Giuliani, J Favrod
Frontiers in psychiatry 8, 4, 2017
Comparison of early cortical networks in efficient and inefficient visual search: an event-related potential study
U Leonards, J Palix, C Michel, V Ibanez
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 15 (7), 1039-1051, 2003
The Utility of Physiological Measures in Assessing the Empathic Skills of Incarcerated Violent Offenders
J Palix, A Abu-Akel, V Moulin, M Abbiati, J Gasser, C Hasler, D Marcot, ...
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66 (1 …, 2022
Examination of the importance of anger/irritability and limited prosocial emotion/callous-unemotional traits to understand externalizing symptoms and adjustment problems in …
S Urben, S Habersaat, J Palix, J Fegert, K Schmeck, D Bürgin, S Seker, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022
Cannabis, a significant risk factor for violent behavior in the early phase psychosis
V Moulin, P Baumann, M Gholamrezaee, L Alameda, J Palix, J Gasser, ...
Two patterns of interaction of factors increase the risk of violent behavior …, 0
Dynamics of Parasympathetic Activity in Violent Incarcerated Offenders Before, During, and in Recovery From An Emotional Inhibition Task
J Palix, SM Gillespie, M Abbiati, A Abu-Akel
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2022
Frontal cortical thickness correlates positively with impulsivity in early psychosis male patients
PS Baumann, P Klauser, A Griffa, P Golay, J Palix, L Alameda, V Moulin, ...
Early intervention in psychiatry 13 (4), 848-852, 2019
Temporal regularity of cerebral activity at rest correlates with slowness of reaction times in intellectual disability
J Palix, F Giuliani, G Sierro, C Brandner, J Favrod
Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (8), 1859-1865, 2020
Entraînement à faire face au stress professionnel pour les personnes avec un retard intellectuel: une étude pilote
J Favrod, A Brana, A Gavillet, M Akselrod, A Nguyen, J Palix
Journal de thérapie comportementale et cognitive 25 (3), 132-141, 2015
Visuo-spatial attention frame recognition for brain-computer interfaces
F Galán, J Palix, R Chavarriaga, PW Ferrez, E Lew, CA Hauert, JR Millán
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007: Proceedings of the …, 2008
Le processus d’évaluation du risque de récidive en consensus: intérêts et limites
V Moulin, MM Gholamrezaee, J Palix, J Gasser, M Abbiati
Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 178 (5), 540-547, 2020
Insight et comportements violents dans une cohorte de patients souffrant de premiers épisodes de psychose
V Moulin, J Palix, L Alameda, MM Gholamrezaee, PS Baumann, J Gasser, ...
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 63 (1), 20-29, 2018
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