Klaus Schäfers
Klaus Schäfers
University of Münster, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
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Coronary heart disease in smokers: vitamin C restores coronary microcirculatory function
PA Kaufmann, T Gnecchi-Ruscone, M di Terlizzi, KP Schäfers, ...
Circulation 102 (11), 1233-1238, 2000
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol and coronary microvascular dysfunction in hypercholesterolemia
PA Kaufmann, T Gnecchi-Ruscone, KP Schäfers, TF Lüscher, PG Camici
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 36 (1), 103-109, 2000
Scintigraphic imaging of matrix metalloproteinase activity in the arterial wall in vivo
M Schäfers, B Riemann, K Kopka, HJ Breyholz, S Wagner, ...
Circulation 109 (21), 2554-2559, 2004
Respiratory gating in positron emission tomography: a quantitative comparison of different gating schemes
M Dawood, F Büther, N Lang, O Schober, KP Schäfers
Medical physics 34 (7), 3067-3076, 2007
List mode–driven cardiac and respiratory gating in PET
F Büther, M Dawood, L Stegger, F Wübbeling, M Schäfers, O Schober, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50 (5), 674-681, 2009
Lung motion correction on respiratory gated 3-D PET/CT images
M Dawood, N Lang, X Jiang, KP Schafers
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25 (4), 476-485, 2006
Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in Brugada syndrome
T Wichter, P Matheja, L Eckardt, P Kies, K Schäfers, E Schulze-Bahr, ...
Circulation 105 (6), 702-706, 2002
Respiratory motion correction in 3-D PET data with advanced optical flow algorithms
M Dawood, F Buther, X Jiang, KP Schafers
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 27 (8), 1164-1175, 2008
Rigid-body transformation of list-mode projection data for respiratory motion correction in cardiac PET
L Livieratos, L Stegger, PM Bloomfield, K Schafers, DL Bailey, PG Camici
Physics in Medicine & Biology 50 (14), 3313, 2005
Motion correction in dual gated cardiac PET using mass-preserving image registration
F Gigengack, L Ruthotto, M Burger, CH Wolters, X Jiang, KP Schafers
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (3), 698-712, 2011
Performance evaluation of the 32-module quadHIDAC small-animal PET scanner
KP Schäfers, AJ Reader, M Kriens, C Knoess, O Schober, M Schäfers
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46 (6), 996-1004, 2005
Impaired myocardial perfusion and perfusion reserve associated with increased coronary resistance in persistent idiopathic atrial fibrillation
FT Range, M Schäfers, T Acil, KP Schäfers, P Kies, M Paul, S Hermann, ...
European heart journal 28 (18), 2223-2230, 2007
Accurate EM-TV algorithm in PET with low SNR
A Sawatzky, C Brune, F Wubbeling, T Kosters, K Schafers, M Burger
2008 IEEE nuclear science symposium conference record, 5133-5137, 2008
Abnormal myocardial presynaptic norepinephrine recycling in patients with Brugada syndrome
P Kies, T Wichter, M Schäfers, M Paul, KP Schäfers, L Eckardt, ...
Circulation 110 (19), 3017-3022, 2004
Absolute quantification of myocardial blood flow with H215O and 3-dimensional PET: an experimental validation
KP Schäfers, TJ Spinks, PG Camici, PM Bloomfield, CG Rhodes, MP Law, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 43 (8), 1031-1040, 2002
Respiratory gating of cardiac PET data in list-mode acquisition
L Livieratos, K Rajappan, L Stegger, K Schafers, DL Bailey, PG Camici
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 33, 584-588, 2006
Detection of respiratory tumour motion using intrinsic list mode-driven gating in positron emission tomography
F Büther, I Ernst, M Dawood, P Kraxner, M Schäfers, O Schober, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 37, 2315-2327, 2010
Impact of sympathetic innervation on recurrent life-threatening arrhythmias in the follow-up of patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation
M Paul, M Schäfers, P Kies, T Acil, K Schäfers, G Breithardt, O Schober, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 33, 866-870, 2006
Optimal number of respiratory gates in positron emission tomography: a cardiac patient study
M Dawood, F Büther, L Stegger, X Jiang, O Schober, M Schäfers, ...
Medical physics 36 (5), 1775-1784, 2009
On transcending the impasse of respiratory motion correction applications in routine clinical imaging-a consideration of a fully automated data driven motion control framework
AL Kesner, PJ Schleyer, F Büther, MA Walter, KP Schäfers, PJ Koo
EJNMMI physics 1, 1-11, 2014
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