Pierre Henry
Pierre Henry
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Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments: 1. Conceptual model of gas hydrate growth conditioned by host sediment properties
MB Clennell, M Hovland, JS Booth, P Henry, WJ Winters
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B10), 22985-23003, 1999
Seismicity triggered by fluid injection–induced aseismic slip
Y Guglielmi, F Cappa, JP Avouac, P Henry, D Elsworth
Science 348 (6240), 1224-1226, 2015
Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments: 2. Thermodynamic calculations of stability conditions in porous sediments
P Henry, M Thomas, MB Clennell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B10), 23005-23022, 1999
Exhumation, crustal deformation, and thermal structure of the Nepal Himalaya derived from the inversion of thermochronological and thermobarometric data and modeling of the …
F Herman, P Copeland, JP Avouac, L Bollinger, G Mahéo, P Le Fort, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B6), 2010
Mountain building in the Nepal Himalaya: Thermal and kinematic model
L Bollinger, P Henry, JP Avouac
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 244 (1-2), 58-71, 2006
Cold seep communities as indicators of fluid expulsion patterns through mud volcanoes seaward of the Barbados accretionary prism
K Olu, S Lance, M Sibuet, P Henry, A Fiala-Médioni, A Dinet
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 44 (5), 811-841, 1997
Kinematic, thermal and petrological model of the Central Alps: Lepontine metamorphism in the upper crust and eclogitisation of the lower crust
R Bousquet, B Goffé, P Henry, X Le Pichon, C Chopin
Tectonophysics 273 (1-2), 105-127, 1997
Full interseismic locking of the Nankai and Japan‐west Kurile subduction zones: An analysis of uniform elastic strain accumulation in Japan constrained by permanent GPS
S Mazzotti, X Le Pichon, P Henry, SI Miyazaki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B6), 13159-13177, 2000
New insights into deformation and fluid flow processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary prism: Results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190
GF Moore, A Taira, A Klaus, L Becker, B Boeckel, BA Cragg, A Dean, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2 (10), 2001
Kinematic, thermal and petrological model of the Himalayas: Constraints related to metamorphism within the underthrust Indian crust and topographic elevation
P Henry, X Le Pichon, B Goffé
Tectonophysics 273 (1-2), 31-56, 1997
Chemical and isotopic evidence for sources of fluids in a mud volcano field seaward of the Barbados accretionary wedge
JB Martin, M Kastner, P Henry, X Le Pichon, S Lallement
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B9), 20325-20345, 1996
Fluid flow in and around a mud volcano field seaward of the Barbados accretionary wedge: results from Manon cruise
P Henry, X Le Pichon, S Lallemant, S Lance, JB Martin, JP Foucher, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B9), 20297-20323, 1996
Uplift of Tibet: from eclogites to granulites—implications for the Andean Plateau and the Variscan belt
X Le Pichon, P Henry, B Goffé
Tectonophysics 273 (1-2), 57-76, 1997
Free gas and gas hydrates from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey: Chemical and structural characterization
C Bourry, B Chazallon, JL Charlou, JP Donval, L Ruffine, P Henry, L Geli, ...
Chemical Geology 264 (1-4), 197-206, 2009
Abnormal fluid pressures and fault-zone dilation in the Barbados accretionary prism: Evidence from logging while drilling
JC Moore, TH Shipley, D Goldberg, Y Ogawa, F Filice, A Fisher, ...
Geology 23 (7), 605-608, 1995
Mud volcano field seaward of the Barbados accretionary complex: a submersible survey
X Le Pichon, JP Foucher, J Boulègue, P Henry, S Lallemant, M Benedetti, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 95 (B6), 8931-8943, 1990
The Sumatra subduction zone: A case for a locked fault zone extending into the mantle
M Simoes, JP Avouac, R Cattin, P Henry
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B10), 2004
Porosity loss within the underthrust sediments of the Nankai accretionary complex: Implications for overpressures
E Screaton, D Saffer, P Henry, S Hunze
Geology 30 (1), 19-22, 2002
Accretion and erosion in subduction zones: The role of fluids
XL Pichon, P Henry, S Lallemant
Annual Review Of Earth And Planetary Sciences, Volume 21, pp. 307-331. 21 …, 1993
Gas emissions and active tectonics within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara
L Geli, P Henry, T Zitter, S Dupre, M Tryon, MN Çağatay, BM de Lépinay, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 274 (1-2), 34-39, 2008
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