Holger Heuer
Holger Heuer
Julius Kühn-Institut
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Analysis of actinomycete communities by specific amplification of genes encoding 16S rRNA and gel-electrophoretic separation in denaturing gradients.
H Heuer, M Krsek, P Baker, K Smalla, EM Wellington
Applied and environmental microbiology 63 (8), 3233-3241, 1997
Bulk and rhizosphere soil bacterial communities studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis: plant-dependent enrichment and seasonal shifts revealed
K Smalla, G Wieland, A Buchner, A Zock, J Parzy, S Kaiser, N Roskot, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (10), 4742-4751, 2001
Antibiotic resistance gene spread due to manure application on agricultural fields
H Heuer, H Schmitt, K Smalla
Current opinion in microbiology 14 (3), 236-243, 2011
Fate and effects of veterinary antibiotics in soil
S Jechalke, H Heuer, J Siemens, W Amelung, K Smalla
Trends in microbiology 22 (9), 536-545, 2014
Manure and sulfadiazine synergistically increased bacterial antibiotic resistance in soil over at least two months
H Heuer, K Smalla
Environmental Microbiology 9 (3), 657-666, 2007
Analysis of BIOLOG GN substrate utilization patterns by microbial communities
K Smalla, U Wachtendorf, H Heuer, WT Liu, L Forney
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64 (4), 1220-1225, 1998
Bacterial diversity of the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays) grown in tropical soil studied by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
NCM Gomes, H Heuer, J Schönfeld, R Costa, L Mendonca-Hagler, ...
Plant and Soil 232 (1-2), 167-180, 2001
Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and temperature gradient gel electrophoresis for studying soil microbial communities
H Heuer, K Smalla
Modern Soil Microbiology. Marcel Dekker, New York, 353-373, 1997
Effect of the soil type on the microbiome in the rhizosphere of field-grown lettuce
S Schreiter, GC Ding, H Heuer, G Neumann, M Sandmann, R Grosch, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 144, 2014
Bacterial diversity of soils assessed by DGGE, T-RFLP and SSCP fingerprints of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments: do the different methods provide similar results?
K Smalla, M Oros-Sichler, A Milling, H Heuer, S Baumgarte, R Becker, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 69 (3), 470-479, 2007
Dynamics and functional relevance of ammonia‐oxidizing archaea in two agricultural soils
K Schauss, A Focks, S Leininger, A Kotzerke, H Heuer, S Thiele‐Bruhn, ...
Environmental Microbiology 11 (2), 446-456, 2009
Piggery manure used for soil fertilization is a reservoir for transferable antibiotic resistance plasmids
CTT Binh, H Heuer, M Kaupenjohann, K Smalla
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 66 (1), 25-37, 2008
Impact of the antibiotic sulfadiazine and pig manure on the microbial community structure in agricultural soils
U Hammesfahr, H Heuer, B Manzke, K Smalla, S Thiele-Bruhn
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (7), 1583-1591, 2008
Plasmids foster diversification and adaptation of bacterial populations in soil
H Heuer, K Smalla
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 36 (6), 1083-1104, 2012
Gentamicin resistance genes in environmental bacteria: prevalence and transfer
H Heuer, E Krögerrecklenfort, EMH Wellington, S Egan, JD Elsas, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 42 (2), 289-302, 2002
Monitoring impact of a pesticide treatment on bacterial soil communities by metabolic and genetic fingerprinting in addition to conventional testing procedures
B Engelen, K Meinken, F Von Wintzingerode, H Heuer, HP Malkomes, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64 (8), 2814-2821, 1998
PhyloChip hybridization uncovered an enormous bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of different potato cultivars: many common and few cultivar-dependent taxa
N Weinert, Y Piceno, GC Ding, R Meincke, H Heuer, G Berg, M Schloter, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 75 (3), 497-506, 2011
Exogenous isolation of antibiotic resistance plasmids from piggery manure slurries reveals a high prevalence and diversity of IncQ-like plasmids
K Smalla, H Heuer, A Götz, D Niemeyer, E Krögerrecklenfort, E Tietze
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (11), 4854-4862, 2000
Alterations in soil microbial activity and N-transformation processes due to sulfadiazine loads in pig-manure
A Kotzerke, S Sharma, K Schauss, H Heuer, S Thiele-Bruhn, K Smalla, ...
Environmental Pollution 153 (2), 315-322, 2008
Effects of T4 lysozyme release from transgenic potato roots on bacterial rhizosphere communities are negligible relative to natural factors
H Heuer, RM Kroppenstedt, J Lottmann, G Berg, K Smalla
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (3), 1325-1335, 2002
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