Ill‐conditioning in the virtual element method: Stabilizations and bases L Mascotto
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 34 (4), 1258-1281, 2018
116 2018 Basic principles of virtual elements on quasiuniform meshes L Beir ao da Veiga, A Chernov, L Mascotto, A Russo
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (08), 1567-1598, 2016
94 2016 Exploring high-order three dimensional virtual elements: bases and stabilizations F Dassi, L Mascotto
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 75 (9), 3379-3401, 2018
92 2018 A multigrid algorithm for the p-version of the virtual element method PF Antonietti, L Mascotto, M Verani
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 52 (1), 337-364, 2018
55 2018 The p-and hp-versions of the virtual element method for elliptic eigenvalue problems O Čertík, F Gardini, G Manzini, L Mascotto, G Vacca
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (7), 2035-2056, 2020
53 2020 Exponential convergence of the hp virtual element method in presence of corner singularities LB Da Veiga, A Chernov, L Mascotto, A Russo
Numerische Mathematik 138 (3), 581-613, 2018
53 2018 Non-conforming Harmonic Virtual Element Method: - and -Versions L Mascotto, I Perugia, A Pichler
Journal of Scientific Computing 77 (3), 1874-1908, 2018
51 2018 A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in hp virtual elements L Beirão da Veiga, G Manzini, L Mascotto
Numerische Mathematik 143 (1), 139-175, 2019
49 2019 Virtual elements for Maxwell's equations LB da Veiga, F Dassi, G Manzini, L Mascotto
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 116, 82-99, 2022
48 2022 A nonconforming Trefftz virtual element method for the Helmholtz problem L Mascotto, I Perugia, A Pichler
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 29 (09), 1619-1656, 2019
35 2019 The role of stabilization in the virtual element method: a survey L Mascotto
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 151, 244-251, 2023
31 2023 A nonconforming Trefftz virtual element method for the Helmholtz problem: numerical aspects L Mascotto, I Perugia, A Pichler
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 347, 445-476, 2019
30 2019 p - and hp - virtual elements for the Stokes problemA Chernov, C Marcati, L Mascotto
Advances in Computational Mathematics 47, 1-31, 2021
29 2021 Exponential convergence of the hp virtual element method in presence of corner singularities L Beirão da Veiga, A Chernov, L Mascotto, A Russo
Numerische Mathematik 138 (3), 581-613, 2018
24 2018 Interpolation and stability properties of low-order face and edge virtual element spaces L Beirão da Veiga, L Mascotto
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 43 (2), 828-851, 2023
22 2023 Stability analysis of polytopic discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Stokes problem with applications to fluid–structure interaction problems PF Antonietti, L Mascotto, M Verani, S Zonca
Journal of Scientific Computing 90, 1-31, 2022
20 2022 The virtual element method for the 3D resistive magnetohydrodynamic model L Beirao da Veiga, F Dassi, G Manzini, L Mascotto
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 33 (03), 643-686, 2023
19 2023 Stability and interpolation properties for Stokes-like virtual element spaces J Meng, L Beirão da Veiga, L Mascotto
Journal of Scientific Computing 94 (3), 56, 2023
19 2023 FEM–BEM mortar coupling for the Helmholtz problem in three dimensions L Mascotto, JM Melenk, I Perugia, A Rieder
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80 (11), 2351-2378, 2020
19 2020 The harmonic virtual element method: stabilization and exponential convergence for the Laplace problem on polygonal domains A Chernov, L Mascotto
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 39 (4), 1787-1817, 2019
18 2019