Joshua Robinson
Joshua Robinson
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Thermoresponsive Poly(N-C3 glycine)s
JW Robinson, C Secker, S Weidner, H Schlaad
Macromolecules 46 (3), 580-587, 2013
A versatile polypeptoid platform based on N-allyl glycine
JW Robinson, H Schlaad
Chemical Communications 48 (63), 7835-7837, 2012
Probing the molecular design of hyper-branched aryl polyesters towards lubricant applications
JW Robinson, Y Zhou, P Bhattacharya, R Erck, J Qu, JT Bays, ...
Scientific Reports, 18624, 2016
Alkyne-X modification of polypeptoids
C Secker, JW Robinson, H Schlaad
European Polymer Journal 62, 394-399, 2015
Highly branched polyethylenes as lubricant viscosity and friction modifiers
JW Robinson, Y Zhou, J Qu, JT Bays, L Cosimbescu
Reactive and Functional Polymers 109, 52-55, 2016
Dual functional star polymers for lubricants
L Cosimbescu, JW Robinson, Y Zhou, J Qu
RSC Advances 6 (89), 86259-86268, 2016
Second-generation DBFOX ligands for the synthesis of β-substituted α-amino acids via enantioselective radical conjugate additions
B Banerjee, SG Capps, J Kang, JW Robinson, SL Castle
The Journal of organic chemistry 73 (22), 8973-8978, 2008
Design, construction and characterization of a prompt gamma activation analysis facility at the Oregon State University TRIGA ® reactor
J Robinson, M Hartman, S Reese
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 283 (2), 359-369, 2010
Effects of star-shaped poly(alkyl methacrylate) arm uniformity on lubricant properties
JW Robinson, Y Zhou, J Qu, R Erck, L Cosimbescu
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 43611, 2016
Trends in thermoresponsive behavior of lipophilic polymers
P Bhattacharya, US Ramasamy, S Krueger, JW Robinson, BJ Tarasevich, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (51), 12983-12990, 2016
Friction-and wear-reducing properties of multifunctional small molecules
L Cosimbescu, NG Demas, JW Robinson, RA Erck
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (1), 1317-1323, 2018
Polymer architecture: does it influence shear stability?
L Cosimbescu, JW Robinson, JP Page
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (35), 11858-11867, 2018
Power and policy-making in nursing
J Robinson
Nurse practitioners: working for change in primary health care nursing …, 1991
Modified Thermoresponsive Hyperbranched Polymers for Improved Viscosity and Enhanced Lubricity of Engine Oils
L Cosimbescu, JW Robinson, JT Bays, J Qu, B West
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2016
High Energy Delayed Gamma Spectroscopy for Plutonium Assay of Spent Fuel
LW Campbell, AC Misner, LE Smith, S Reese, J Robinson
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2010
Branched Polymers as Viscosity and/or Friction Modifiers for Lubricants
L Cosimbescu, JW Robinson, P Bhattacharya
US Patent App. 30636- E, 2015
Synthesis of a biofuel target through conventional organic chemistry
JP Page, JW Robinson, KO Albrecht, L Cosimbescu
Tetrahedron Letters 59 (14), 1421-1423, 2018
Energy LA: tackling the crisis
JW Robinson
Western Periodicals Company, North Hollywood, CA, 1976
Perfecting the lubricant wheel through macromolecular design
JW Robinson, L Cosimbescu, Y Zhou, J Qu, B West
71st Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and …, 2016
Investigations of non-linear polymers as high performance lubricant additives
JW Robinson, P Bhattacharya, J Qu, JT Bays, L Cosimbescu
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2015
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