Dolors Armenteras
Dolors Armenteras
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Andean forest fragmentation and the representativeness of protected natural areas in the eastern Andes, Colombia
D Armenteras, F Gast, H Villareal
Biological conservation 113 (2), 245-256, 2003
Patterns and causes of deforestation in the Colombian Amazon
D Armenteras, G Rudas, N Rodriguez, S Sua, M Romero
Ecological indicators 6 (2), 353-368, 2006
The drivers and impacts of Amazon forest degradation
DM Lapola, P Pinho, J Barlow, LEOC Aragão, E Berenguer, R Carmenta, ...
Science 379 (6630), eabp8622, 2023
Understanding deforestation in montane and lowland forests of the Colombian Andes
D Armenteras, N Rodríguez, J Retana, M Morales
Regional Environmental Change 11 (3), 693-705, 2011
Deforestation in Colombian protected areas increased during post-conflict periods
N Clerici, D Armenteras, P Kareiva, R Botero, JP Ramírez-Delgado, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4971, 2020
Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability
KMA Chan, DR Boyd, RK Gould, J Jetzkowitz, J Liu, B Muraca, R Naidoo, ...
People and Nature 2 (3), 693-717, 2020
Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies (1980–2010)
D Armenteras, JM Espelta, N Rodríguez, J Retana
Global Environmental Change 46, 139-147, 2017
Land use and land cover change in the Colombian Andes: dynamics and future scenarios.
N Rodríguez, D Armenteras, J Retana
Journal of Land Use Science, 1-21, 2012
National and regional determinants of tropical deforestation in Colombia
D Armenteras, E Cabrera, N Rodríguez, J Retana
Regional Environmental Change, 1-13, 2013
Revisión del concepto de ecosistema como “unidad de la naturaleza” 80 años después de su formulación
D Armenteras, TM González, LK Vergara, FJ Luque, N Rodríguez, ...
Ecosistemas 25 (1), 83-89, 2016
Are conservation strategies effective in avoiding the deforestation of the Colombian Guyana Shield?
D Armenteras, N Rodríguez, J Retana
Biological Conservation 142 (7), 1411-1419, 2009
Forest fragmentation and edge influence on fire occurrence and intensity under different management types in Amazon forests
D Armenteras, TM González, J Retana
Biological conservation 159, 73-79, 2013
Dinámicas y causas de deforestación en bosques de Latino América: una revisión desde 1990
D Armenteras, N Rodríguez Eraso
Colombia forestal 17 (2), 233-246, 2014
Characterising fire spatial pattern interactions with climate and vegetation in Colombia
D Armenteras-Pascual, J Retana-Alumbreros, R Molowny-Horas, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (3), 279-289, 2011
Deforestation and coca cultivation rooted in twentieth-century development projects
LM Dávalos, KM Sanchez, D Armenteras
BioScience 66 (11), 974-982, 2016
Ecosistemas de la cuenca del Orinoco colombiano.
R Romero, P Armenteros, G Galindo, G Otero
Bogotá: Instituto Alexander von Humboldt; IGAc,, 2004
Scenarios of land use and land cover change for NW Amazonia: Impact on forest intactness
D Armenteras, U Murcia, TM González, ÓJ Barón, JE Arias
Global Ecology and conservation 17, e00567, 2019
What do you mean,‘megafire’?
GD Linley, CJ Jolly, TS Doherty, WL Geary, D Armenteras, CM Belcher, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (10), 1906-1922, 2022
How fire interacts with habitat loss and fragmentation
DA Driscoll, D Armenteras, AF Bennett, L Brotons, MF Clarke, TS Doherty, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (3), 976-998, 2021
Landscape Dynamics in Northwestern Amazonia: An Assessment of Pastures, Fire and Illicit Crops as Drivers of Tropical Deforestation
D Armenteras, N Rodriguez, J Retana
Plos One 8 (1), e54310, 2013
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