Raj C. Shah
Raj C. Shah
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Neuropathology of older persons without cognitive impairment from two community-based studies
DA Bennett, JA Schneider, Z Arvanitakis, JF Kelly, NT Aggarwal, RC Shah, ...
Neurology 66 (12), 1837-1844, 2006
Diagnosis and management of dementia
Z Arvanitakis, RC Shah, DA Bennett
Jama 322 (16), 1589-1599, 2019
Effect of aspirin on cardiovascular events and bleeding in the healthy elderly
JJ McNeil, R Wolfe, RL Woods, AM Tonkin, GA Donnan, MR Nelson, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 379 (16), 1509-1518, 2018
Total daily physical activity and the risk of AD and cognitive decline in older adults
AS Buchman, PA Boyle, L Yu, RC Shah, RS Wilson, DA Bennett
Neurology 78 (17), 1323-1329, 2012
Effect of aspirin on all-cause mortality in the healthy elderly
JJ McNeil, MR Nelson, RL Woods, JE Lockery, R Wolfe, CM Reid, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 379 (16), 1519-1528, 2018
Effect of aspirin on disability-free survival in the healthy elderly
JJ McNeil, RL Woods, MR Nelson, CM Reid, B Kirpach, R Wolfe, E Storey, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 379 (16), 1499-1508, 2018
Change in body mass index and risk of incident Alzheimer disease
AS Buchman, RS Wilson, JL Bienias, RC Shah, DA Evans, DA Bennett
Neurology 65 (6), 892-897, 2005
Alzheimer-signature MRI biomarker predicts AD dementia in cognitively normal adults
BC Dickerson, TR Stoub, RC Shah, RA Sperling, RJ Killiany, MS Albert, ...
Neurology 76 (16), 1395-1402, 2011
Plasma exosomal miRNAs in persons with and without Alzheimer disease: altered expression and prospects for biomarkers
G Lugli, AM Cohen, DA Bennett, RC Shah, CJ Fields, AG Hernandez, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0139233, 2015
Detailed comparison of amyloid PET and CSF biomarkers for identifying early Alzheimer disease
S Palmqvist, H Zetterberg, N Mattsson, P Johansson, ...
Neurology 85 (14), 1240-1249, 2015
Decision rules guiding the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in two community-based cohort studies compared to standard practice in a clinic-based cohort study
DA Bennett, JA Schneider, NT Aggarwal, Z Arvanitakis, RC Shah, JF Kelly, ...
Neuroepidemiology 27 (3), 169-176, 2006
A commonly carried allele of the obesity-related FTO gene is associated with reduced brain volume in the healthy elderly
AJ Ho, JL Stein, X Hua, S Lee, DP Hibar, AD Leow, ID Dinov, AW Toga, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (18), 8404-8409, 2010
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype has dissociable effects on memory and attentional–executive network function in Alzheimer’s disease
DA Wolk, BC Dickerson, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (22), 10256-10261, 2010
Kidney function is associated with the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly
AS Buchman, D Tanne, PA Boyle, RC Shah, SE Leurgans, DA Bennett
Neurology 73 (12), 920-927, 2009
Subregional neuroanatomical change as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease
D Holland, JB Brewer, DJ Hagler, C Fennema-Notestine, AM Dale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (49), 20954-20959, 2009
The Minority Aging Research Study: ongoing efforts to obtain brain donation in African Americans without dementia
L L Barnes, R C Shah, N T Aggarwal, D A Bennett, J A Schneider
Current Alzheimer Research 9 (6), 734-745, 2012
Hippocampal disconnection contributes to memory dysfunction in individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease
TR Stoub, L deToledo-Morrell, GT Stebbins, S Leurgans, DA Bennett, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (26), 10041-10045, 2006
Psychometric properties of a short form of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D-10) scale for screening depressive symptoms in healthy community dwelling …
M Mohebbi, V Nguyen, JJ McNeil, RL Woods, MR Nelson, RC Shah, ...
General hospital psychiatry 51, 118-125, 2018
Mixed pathology is more likely in black than white decedents with Alzheimer dementia
LL Barnes, S Leurgans, NT Aggarwal, RC Shah, Z Arvanitakis, BD James, ...
Neurology 85 (6), 528-534, 2015
Change in risk of Alzheimer disease over time
LE Hebert, JL Bienias, NT Aggarwal, RS Wilson, DA Bennett, RC Shah, ...
Neurology 75 (9), 786-791, 2010
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