Miguel A. Fernández
Miguel A. Fernández
Sorbonne Université - CNRS - Inria
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
A Newton method using exact Jacobians for solving fluid–structure coupling
MA Fernández, M Moubachir
Computers & Structures 83 (2-3), 127-142, 2005
A projection semi‐implicit scheme for the coupling of an elastic structure with an incompressible fluid
MA Fernández, JF Gerbeau, C Grandmont
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (4), 794-821, 2007
Stabilization of explicit coupling in fluid–structure interaction involving fluid incompressibility
E Burman, MA Fernández
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (5-8), 766-784, 2009
Continuous interior penalty finite element method for Oseen's equations
E Burman, MA Fernández, P Hansbo
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 44 (3), 1248-1274, 2006
Mathematical modeling of electrocardiograms: a numerical study
M Boulakia, S Cazeau, MA Fernández, JF Gerbeau, N Zemzemi
Annals of biomedical engineering 38, 1071-1097, 2010
Acceleration of a fixed point algorithmfor fluid-structure interaction using transpiration conditions
S Deparis, MA Fernández, L Formaggia
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 37 (4), 601-616, 2003
Continuous interior penalty finite element method for the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equations: space discretization and convergence
E Burman, MA Fernández
Numerische Mathematik 107, 39-77, 2007
An unfitted Nitsche method for incompressible fluid–structure interaction using overlapping meshes
E Burman, MA Fernández
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 279, 497-514, 2014
Coupling schemes for incompressible fluid-structure interaction: implicit, semi-implicit and explicit
MA Fernández
SeMA Journal 55 (1), 59-108, 2011
Analysis of a geometrical multiscale blood flow model based on the coupling of ODEs and hyperbolic PDEs
MÁ Fernández, V Milisic, A Quarteroni
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 (1), 215-236, 2005
Robin based semi-implicit coupling in fluid-structure interaction: Stability analysis and numerics
M Astorino, F Chouly, MA Fernández
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (6), 4041-4065, 2010
An exact block-newton algorithm for the solution of implicit time discretized coupled systems involved in fluid-structure interaction problems
MA Fernández, M Moubachir
Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003, 1337-1341, 2003
Explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for first-order linear PDE systems
E Burman, A Ern, MA Fernández
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (6), 2019-2042, 2010
Incremental displacement-correction schemes for incompressible fluid-structure interaction: stability and convergence analysis
MA Fernández
Numerische Mathematik 123 (1), 21-65, 2013
Nitsche-XFEM for the coupling of an incompressible fluid with immersed thin-walled structures
F Alauzet, B Fabreges, MA Fernández, M Landajuela
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 301, 300-335, 2016
Numerical simulation of blood flows through a porous interface
MA Fernández, JF Gerbeau, V Martin
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 42 (6), 961-990, 2008
A coupled system of PDEs and ODEs arising in electrocardiograms modeling
M Boulakia, MA Fernández, JF Gerbeau, N Zemzemi
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 2008, abn002, 2008
Explicit Robin–Neumann schemes for the coupling of incompressible fluids with thin-walled structures
MA Fernández, J Mullaert, M Vidrascu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 267, 566-593, 2013
Explicit strategies for incompressible fluid‐structure interaction problems: Nitsche type mortaring versus Robin–Robin coupling
E Burman, MA Fernández
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 97 (10), 739-758, 2014
A projection algorithm for fluid–structure interaction problems with strong added-mass effect
MA Fernández, JF Gerbeau, C Grandmont
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 342 (4), 279-284, 2006
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