Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Nam-Gyu ParkLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 10
Nanowire perovskite solar cell
JH Im, J Luo, M Franckevicius, N Pellet, P Gao, T Moehl, SM Zakeeruddin, ...
Nano letters 15 (3), 2120-2126, 2015
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
A review on scaling up perovskite solar cells
D Li, D Zhang, KS Lim, Y Hu, Y Rong, A Mei, NG Park, H Han
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (12), 2008621, 2021
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Morphological and compositional progress in halide perovskite solar cells
HS Kim, A Hagfeldt, NG Park
Chemical communications 55 (9), 1192-1200, 2019
Mandaatit: European Commission
Capturing mobile lithium ions in a molecular hole transporter enhances the thermal stability of perovskite solar cells
SG Kim, TH Le, T de Monfreid, F Goubard, TT Bui, NG Park
Advanced Materials 33 (12), 2007431, 2021
Mandaatit: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Polyacrylic acid grafted carbon nanotubes for immobilization of lead (II) in perovskite solar cell
J Wang, R Zhang, H Xu, Y Chen, H Zhang, NG Park
ACS Energy Letters 7 (5), 1577-1585, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Gradient Sn-Doped Heteroepitaxial Film of Faceted Rutile TiO2 as an Electron Selective Layer for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
T Wu, C Zhen, H Zhu, J Wu, C Jia, L Wang, G Liu, NG Park, HM Cheng
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (21), 19638-19646, 2019
Mandaatit: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Organometal halide perovskite photovoltaics: a diamond in the rough
M Graetzel, NG Park
Nano 9 (05), 1440002, 2014
Mandaatit: European Commission
Asymmetric carrier transport in flexible interface-type memristor enables artificial synapses with sub-femtojoule energy consumption
JM Yang, YK Jung, JH Lee, YC Kim, SY Kim, S Seo, DA Park, JH Kim, ...
Nanoscale Horizons 6 (12), 987-997, 2021
Mandaatit: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Domain Size, Temperature, and Time Dependence of Photodegradation in MAPbI3 Probed by Raman Spectroscopy
JF Castaneda, JH Im, Y Liu, S Liu, NG Park, Y Zhang
ACS Energy Letters 7 (9), 3095-3103, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhancing intermolecular interaction of Spiro-OMeTAD for stable perovskite solar cells with efficiencies over 24%
JH Lee, T Ghanem, DJP Sánchez, P Josse, P Blanchard, H Ahn, ...
ACS Energy Letters 8 (9), 3895-3901, 2023
Mandaatit: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Saatavilla jossain: 36
Water photolysis at 12.3% efficiency via perovskite photovoltaics and Earth-abundant catalysts
J Luo, JH Im, MT Mayer, M Schreier, MK Nazeeruddin, NG Park, SD Tilley, ...
Science 345 (6204), 1593-1596, 2014
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, UK Science and Technology Facilities …
Growth of CH3NH3PbI3 cuboids with controlled size for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells
JH Im, IH Jang, N Pellet, M Grätzel, NG Park
Nature nanotechnology 9 (11), 927-932, 2014
Mandaatit: European Commission
Consensus statement for stability assessment and reporting for perovskite photovoltaics based on ISOS procedures
MV Khenkin, EA Katz, A Abate, G Bardizza, JJ Berry, C Brabec, F Brunetti, ...
Nature Energy 5 (1), 35-49, 2020
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Chinese Academy of …
Towards stable and commercially available perovskite solar cells
NG Park, M Grätzel, T Miyasaka, K Zhu, K Emery
Nature Energy 1 (11), 1-8, 2016
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy, Swiss National Science Foundation
Mechanism of carrier accumulation in perovskite thin-absorber solar cells
HS Kim, I Mora-Sero, V Gonzalez-Pedro, F Fabregat-Santiago, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2242, 2013
Mandaatit: Government of Spain
Scalable fabrication and coating methods for perovskite solar cells and solar modules
NG Park, K Zhu
Nature Reviews Materials 5 (5), 333-350, 2020
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy
Slow dynamic processes in lead halide perovskite solar cells. Characteristic times and hysteresis
RS Sanchez, V Gonzalez-Pedro, JW Lee, NG Park, YS Kang, I Mora-Sero, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (13), 2357-2363, 2014
Mandaatit: Government of Spain
Control of I–V Hysteresis in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cell
HS Kim, IH Jang, N Ahn, M Choi, A Guerrero, J Bisquert, NG Park
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (22), 4633-4639, 2015
Mandaatit: Government of Spain
Stability-limiting heterointerfaces of perovskite photovoltaics
S Tan, T Huang, I Yavuz, R Wang, TW Yoon, M Xu, Q Xing, K Park, ...
Nature 605 (7909), 268-273, 2022
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Homogenizing out-of-plane cation composition in perovskite solar cells
Z Liang, Y Zhang, H Xu, W Chen, B Liu, J Zhang, H Zhang, Z Wang, ...
Nature 624 (7992), 557-563, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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