Viscous boundary layers for the Navier–Stokes equations with the Navier slip conditions D Iftimie, F Sueur
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 199 (1), 145-175, 2011
193 2011 Asymptotics and stability for global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations I Gallagher, D Iftimie, F Planchon
Annales de l'Institut fourier 53 (5), 1387-1424, 2003
157 2003 Inviscid limits for the Navier–Stokes equations with Navier friction boundary conditions D Iftimie, G Planas
Nonlinearity 19 (4), 899, 2006
145 2006 The resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in anisotropic spaces D Iftimie
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 15 (1), 1-36, 1999
123 1999 The 3D Navier-Stokes equations seen as a perturbation of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations D Iftimie
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 127 (4), 473-517, 1999
105 1999 Some results on the Navier–Stokes equations in thin 3D domains D Iftimie, G Raugel
Journal of Differential Equations 169 (2), 281-331, 2001
103 2001 A Uniqueness Result for the Navier--Stokes Equations with Vanishing Vertical Viscosity D Iftimie
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 33 (6), 1483-1493, 2002
93 2002 Navier-Stokes equations in thin 3D domains with Navier boundary conditions D Iftimie, G Raugel, GR Sell
Indiana University mathematics journal, 1083-1156, 2007
84 2007 Two dimensional incompressible ideal flow around a small obstacle D Iftimie, MC Lopes Filho, HJ Nussenzveig Lopes
Taylor & Francis Group 28 (1-2), 349-379, 2003
81 2003 On the evolution of compactly supported planar vorticity D Iftimie, TC Sideris, P Gamblin
Communications in partial differential equations 24 (9), 1709-1730, 1999
60 1999 L p -Solutions of the Steady-State Navier–Stokes Equations with Rough External ForcesC Bjorland, L Brandolese, D Iftimie, ME Schonbek
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36 (2), 216-246, 2010
54 2010 Two-dimensional incompressible viscous flow around a small obstacle D Iftimie, MCL Filho, HJN Lopes
Mathematische Annalen 336, 449-489, 2006
47 2006 Non-explosion en temps grand et stabilité de solutions globales des équations de Navier–Stokes I Gallagher, D Iftimie, F Planchon
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 334 (4), 289-292, 2002
37 2002 Global existence and uniqueness of solutions for the equations of third grade fluids V Busuioc, D Iftimie
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 39 (1), 1-12, 2004
36 2004 Incompressible flow around a small obstacle and the vanishing viscosity limit D Iftimie, MC Lopes Filho, HJ Nussenzveig Lopes
Communications in mathematical physics 287, 99-115, 2009
35 2009 Remarques sur la limite pour les fluides de grade D Iftimie
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 334 (1), 83-86, 2002
33 2002 Incompressible Euler as a limit of complex fluid models with Navier boundary conditions AV Busuioc, D Iftimie, MC Lopes Filho, HJN Lopes
Journal of Differential Equations 252 (1), 624-640, 2012
29 2012 A non-Newtonian fluid with Navier boundary conditions AV Busuioc, D Iftimie
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 18 (2), 357-379, 2006
29 2006 Approximation of the quasigeostrophic system with the primitive systems D Iftimie
Asymptotic Analysis 21 (2), 89-97, 1999
28 1999 Remarks on the vanishing obstacle limit for a 3D viscous incompressible fluid D Iftimie, J Kelliher
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137 (2), 685-694, 2009
27 2009