julien jouanguy
julien jouanguy
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Interactive effects of nocturnal transpiration and climate change on the root hydraulic redistribution and carbon and water budgets of southern United States pine plantations
JC Domec, J Ogée, A Noormets, J Jouangy, M Gavazzi, E Treasure, ...
Tree Physiology 32 (6), 707-723, 2012
Multilayer modelling of ozone fluxes on winter wheat reveals large deposition on wet senescing leaves
E Potier, J Ogée, J Jouanguy, E Lamaud, P Stella, E Personne, B Durand, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 211, 58-71, 2015
Stochastic model of the near-to-injector spray formation assisted by a high-speed coaxial gas jet
M Gorokhovski, J Jouanguy, A Chtab-Desportes
Fluid dynamics research 41 (3), 035509, 2009
Simulation of air-blast atomization:‘floating guard’statistic particle method for conditioning of LES computation; stochastic models of break-up and coalescence
M Gorokhovski, J Jouanguy, A Chtab
Proc. Int. Conf. Liq. Atom. Spray Syst., 10th (ICLASS-2006), 80-81, 2006
Stochastic simulation of the liquid jet break-up in a high-speed air co-flow
M Gorokhovski, J Jouanguy, A Chtab
International Conference on Multiphase Flow, 9-13, 2007
On self-similarity in the inner wall layer of a turbulent channel flow
B Podvin, Y Fraigneau, J Jouanguy, JP Laval
Fluid flow simulation over complex shape objects using image processing to achieve mesh generation
K Lassoued, T Sophy, J Jouanguy, L Le-Moyne
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 12 (1), 54-68, 2017
POD based reduced-order model for prescribing turbulent near wall unsteady boundary condition
G Lehnasch, J Jouanguy, JP Laval, J Delville
Progress in Wall Turbulence: Understanding and Modeling: Proceedings of the …, 2011
Modélisation phénoménologique de pulvérisation de sprays couplée à une approche LES pour la phase gazeuse.
J Jouanguy
Université de Rouen, 2007
LES with stochastic simulation of primary and secondary air–blast atomization
M Gorokhovski, J Jouanguy, A Chtab
Proc. ICLASS–2006, Kyoto, Japan, 2006
Simulation and modelization of sprays, a focus on drop fragmentation
J Jouanguy, L Le Moyne
FUTURMOB 2018, 2018
Simulation de l'écoulement de vent et de son contrôle autour d'un objet de géométrie d'un immeuble
J Jouanguy, T Sophy, A da Silva, R Cavecchia, L Le Moyne
colloque Futurmob 2018, 2018
Wind flow simulation and control around a building shape body
J Jouanguy, T Sophy, A da Silva, R Cavecchia, L Le Moyne
FUTURMOB 2018, 2018
Simulation et modélisation des processus de pulvérisation
J Jouanguy, L Le Moyne
colloque Futurmob 2018, 2018
Automatic grid generation from a numerical picture for transient flow simulation over a car shape obstacle
T Sophy, J Jouanguy, L Le Moyne
SESDE 2014, 2014
Numerical investigation of boundary layer detachment by active flow control
K Hemrijicks, T Sophy, J Jouanguy, A da Silva, L Le Moyne
SESDE 2014, 2014
Long-term plant response to drought revealed by tree ring stable isotope analysis
J Ogée, L Wingate, D Bert, M Stievenard, J Jouanguy, C Lambrot, ...
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 13, 2011
Modelling of the rapid response of tree canopy to its ambient microenvironment from a coupled LES-SVAT model
MR Irvine, S Dupont, J Ogée, J Jouanguy
29th Conf. on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/19th Symp. on Boundary …, 2010
A multilayer transport model of soil water isotopologues in the root zone: applications for the simulation of 18O/16O signals from wood cellulose and soil CO2 efflux
J Ogée, L Wingate, J Jouanguy, A Bosc, M Sartore, RR Burlett, D Bert, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: INRAE …, 2010
A POD-based reconstruction method for the flow in the near-wall region
B Podvin, Y Fraigneau, J Jouanguy, JP Laval
Advances in Turbulence XII 132, 937, 2009
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