Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Arjen LenstraLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 1
Trustworthy public randomness with sloth, unicorn, and trx
AK Lenstra, B Wesolowski
International Journal of Applied Cryptography 3 (4), 330-343, 2017
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Saatavilla jossain: 18
Factorization of a 768-bit RSA modulus
T Kleinjung, K Aoki, J Franke, AK Lenstra, E Thomé, JW Bos, P Gaudry, ...
Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2010: 30th Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa …, 2010
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Ron was wrong, Whit is right
AK Lenstra, JP Hughes, M Augier, JW Bos, T Kleinjung, C Wachter
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Short chosen-prefix collisions for MD5 and the creation of a rogue CA certificate
M Stevens, A Sotirov, J Appelbaum, A Lenstra, D Molnar, DA Osvik, ...
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 55-69, 2009
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
On the Security of 1024-bit RSA and 160-bit Elliptic Curve Cryptography
J Bos, M Kaihara, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, PL Montgomery
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Solving a 112-bit prime elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem on game consoles using sloppy reduction
JW Bos, ME Kaihara, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, PL Montgomery
International Journal of Applied Cryptography 2 (3), 212-228, 2012
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Computation of a 768-bit prime field discrete logarithm
T Kleinjung, C Diem, AK Lenstra, C Priplata, C Stahlke
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2017: 36th Annual International Conference …, 2017
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
On the use of the negation map in the Pollard rho method
JW Bos, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra
International Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 66-82, 2010
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Using the cloud to determine key strengths
T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, D Page, NP Smart
International Conference on Cryptology in India, 17-39, 2012
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Efficient SIMD arithmetic modulo a Mersenne number
JW Bos, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, PL Montgomery
2011 IEEE 20th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, 213-221, 2011
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A heterogeneous computing environment to solve the 768-bit RSA challenge
T Kleinjung, JW Bos, AK Lenstra, DA Osvik, K Aoki, S Contini, J Franke, ...
Cluster Computing 15, 53-68, 2012
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Mersenne factorization factory
T Kleinjung, JW Bos, AK Lenstra
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2014: 20th International Conference on the …, 2014
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Cofactorization on graphics processing units
A Miele, JW Bos, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems–CHES 2014: 16th International …, 2014
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Computation of a 30750-bit binary field discrete logarithm
R Granger, T Kleinjung, A Lenstra, B Wesolowski, J Zumbrägel
Mathematics of computation 90 (332), 2997-3022, 2021
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Parametrizations for families of ECM-friendly curves
A Gélin, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and …, 2017
Mandaatit: European Commission
Step-archival: Storage integrity and tamper resistance using data entanglement
H Mercier, M Augier, AK Lenstra
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (6), 4233-4258, 2018
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Using the Cloud to Determine Key Strengths--Triennial Update
M Delcourt, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, S Nath, D Page, N Smart
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission, Royal Society UK
Trust, and public entropy: a unicorn hunt
AK Lenstra, B Wesolowski
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Massively parallel number crunching at EPFL
J Bos, M Kaihara, T Kleinjung, AK Lenstra, AD Osvik
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
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