Implementing climate and global change research: A review of the final US Climate Change Science Program strategic plan National Research Council, Division on Engineering, Physical Sciences, ... National Academies Press, 2004 | 2026* | 2004 |
Geographic random forwarding (GeRaF) for ad hoc and sensor networks: energy and latency performance M Zorzi, RR Rao IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing 2 (4), 349-365, 2004 | 1648 | 2004 |
Cooperation in wireless ad hoc networks V Srinivasan, P Nuggehalli, CF Chiasserini, RR Rao IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003 | 877 | 2003 |
On the accuracy of a first-order Markov model for data transmission on fading channels M Zorzi, RR Rao, LB Milstein Proceedings of ICUPC'95-4th IEEE International Conference on Universal …, 1995 | 542 | 1995 |
Efficacy of site-independent telemedicine in the STRokE DOC trial: a randomised, blinded, prospective study BC Meyer, R Raman, T Hemmen, R Obler, JA Zivin, R Rao, RG Thomas, ... The Lancet Neurology 7 (9), 787-795, 2008 | 464 | 2008 |
Energy efficient battery management CF Chiasserini, RR Rao IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 19 (7), 1235-1245, 2001 | 463 | 2001 |
On the stability of interacting queues in a multiple-access system RR Rao, A Ephremides IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34 (5), 918-930, 1988 | 459 | 1988 |
ARQ error control for fading mobile radio channels M Zorzi, RR Rao, LB Milstein IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 46 (2), 445-455, 1997 | 385 | 1997 |
Capture and retransmission control in mobile radio M Zorzi, RR Rao IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 12 (8), 1289-1298, 1994 | 374 | 1994 |
Error statistics in data transmission over fading channels M Zorzi, RR Rao, LB Milstein IEEE transactions on communications 46 (11), 1468-1477, 1998 | 357 | 1998 |
Battery life estimation of mobile embedded systems D Panigrahi, C Chiasserini, S Dey, R Rao, A Raghunathan, K Lahiri VLSI Design 2001. Fourteenth International Conference on VLSI Design, 57-63, 2001 | 282 | 2001 |
Bandwidth aggregation for real-time applications in heterogeneous wireless networks K Chebrolu, RR Rao IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (4), 388-403, 2006 | 263 | 2006 |
Pulsed battery discharge in communication devices CF Chiasserini, RR Rao Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile …, 1999 | 248 | 1999 |
Error control and energy consumption in communications for nomadic computing M Zorzi, RR Rao IEEE transactions on computers 46 (3), 279-289, 1997 | 247 | 1997 |
The StarCAVE, a third-generation CAVE and virtual reality OptIPortal TA DeFanti, G Dawe, DJ Sandin, JP Schulze, P Otto, J Girado, F Kuester, ... Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (2), 169-178, 2009 | 241 | 2009 |
On the statistics of block errors in bursty channels M Zorzi, RR Rao IEEE transactions on communications 45 (6), 660-667, 1997 | 230 | 1997 |
Energy-constrained error control for wireless channels M Zorzi, RR Rao IEEE Personal communications 4 (6), 27-33, 1997 | 215 | 1997 |
On-chip communication architecture for OC-768 network processors F Karim, A Nguyen, S Dey, R Rao Proceedings of the 38th annual Design Automation Conference, 678-683, 2001 | 207 | 2001 |
Spinal cord stimulation in chronic pain: evidence and theory for mechanisms of action J Caylor, R Reddy, S Yin, C Cui, M Huang, C Huang, R Rao, DG Baker, ... Bioelectronic medicine 5, 1-41, 2019 | 200 | 2019 |
Coexistence mechanisms for interference mitigation in the 2.4-GHz ISM band CF Chiasserini, RR Rao IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (5), 964-975, 2003 | 190 | 2003 |