Using queueing theory to increase the effectiveness of emergency department provider staffing LV Green, J Soares, JF Giglio, RA Green Academic Emergency Medicine 13 (1), 61-68, 2006 | 485 | 2006 |
Coping with time‐varying demand when setting staffing requirements for a service system LV Green, PJ Kolesar, W Whitt Production and Operations Management 16 (1), 13-39, 2007 | 439 | 2007 |
Managing patient service in a diagnostic medical facility LV Green, S Savin, B Wang Operations Research 54 (1), 11-25, 2006 | 372 | 2006 |
Anniversary article: Improving emergency responsiveness with management science LV Green, PJ Kolesar Management Science 50 (8), 1001-1014, 2004 | 368 | 2004 |
How many hospital beds? LV Green INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2002 | 358 | 2002 |
Reducing delays for medical appointments: A queueing approach LV Green, S Savin Operations Research 56 (6), 1526-1538, 2008 | 355 | 2008 |
Queueing analysis in healthcare L Green Patient flow: reducing delay in healthcare delivery, 281-307, 2006 | 351 | 2006 |
The pointwise stationary approximation for queues with nonstationary arrivals L Green, P Kolesar Management Science 37 (1), 84-97, 1991 | 341 | 1991 |
Primary care physician shortages could be eliminated through use of teams, nonphysicians, and electronic communication LV Green, S Savin, Y Lu Health Affairs 32 (1), 11-19, 2013 | 327 | 2013 |
Improving the SIPP approach for staffing service systems that have cyclic demands LV Green, PJ Kolesar, J Soares Operations Research 49 (4), 549-564, 2001 | 300 | 2001 |
Capacity planning and management in hospitals LV Green Operations research and health care: A handbook of methods and applications …, 2004 | 269 | 2004 |
Strategies for cutting hospital beds: the impact on patient service LV Green, V Nguyen Health services research 36 (2), 421, 2001 | 239 | 2001 |
Identifying good nursing levels: A queuing approach N Yankovic, LV Green Operations research 59 (4), 942-955, 2011 | 195 | 2011 |
Some effects of nonstationarity on multiserver Markovian queueing systems L Green, P Kolesar, A Svoronos Operations Research 39 (3), 502-511, 1991 | 180 | 1991 |
“Nursevendor problem”: Personnel staffing in the presence of endogenous absenteeism LV Green, S Savin, N Savva Management Science 59 (10), 2237-2256, 2013 | 176 | 2013 |
Queueing systems with service interruptions A Federgruen, L Green Operations Research 34 (5), 752-768, 1986 | 158 | 1986 |
Providing timely access to care: what is the right patient panel size? LV Green, S Savin, M Murray The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 33 (4), 211-218, 2007 | 136 | 2007 |
A multiple dispatch queueing model of police patrol operations L Green Management science 30 (6), 653-664, 1984 | 132 | 1984 |
A queueing system in which customers require a random number of servers L Green Operations research 28 (6), 1335-1346, 1980 | 118 | 1980 |
A queueing system with general-use and limited-use servers L Green Operations Research 33 (1), 168-182, 1985 | 115 | 1985 |