Brian M. Wong
Brian M. Wong
Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Toronto
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Teaching quality improvement and patient safety to trainees: a systematic review
BM Wong, EE Etchells, A Kuper, W Levinson, KG Shojania
Academic Medicine 85 (9), 1425-1439, 2010
Quality improvement in medical education: current state and future directions
BM Wong, W Levinson, KG Shojania
Medical education 46 (1), 107-119, 2012
An evaluation of the use of smartphones to communicate between clinicians: a mixed-methods study
R Wu, P Rossos, S Quan, S Reeves, V Lo, B Wong, M Cheung, D Morra
Journal of medical Internet research 13 (3), 2011
Effect of a Postdischarge Virtual Ward on Readmission or Death for High-Risk Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
IA Dhalla, T O’Brien, D Morra, KE Thorpe, BM Wong, R Mehta, DW Frost, ...
JAMA 312 (13), 1305-1312, 2014
CPD of the future: a partnership between quality improvement and competency‐based education
J Sargeant, BM Wong, CM Campbell
Medical Education, 2017
Teaching medical error disclosure to physicians-in-training: A scoping review
L Stroud, BM Wong, E Hollenberg, W Levinson
Academic Medicine 88 (6), 884-892, 2013
Transforming the Academic Faculty Perspective in Graduate Medical Education to Better Align Educational and Clinical Outcomes.
BM Wong, ES Holmboe
Academic Medicine, 2015
It's not about pager replacement: An in‐depth look at the interprofessional nature of communication in healthcare
SD Quan, RC Wu, PG Rossos, T Arany, S Groe, D Morra, BM Wong, ...
Journal of Hospital Medicine 8 (3), 137-143, 2013
The intended and unintended consequences of communication systems on general internal medicine inpatient care delivery: a prospective observational case study of five teaching …
RC Wu, V Lo, D Morra, BM Wong, R Sargeant, K Locke, R Cavalcanti, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2013
Application of continuous quality improvement to medical education
BM Wong, LA Headrick
Medical Education, 2020
Improving the Appropriate Use of Transthoracic Echocardiography: The Echo WISELY Trial
RS Bhatia, NM Ivers, XC Yin, D Myers, GC Nesbitt, J Edwards, K Yared, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 70 (9), 1135-1144, 2017
Teaching for Quality: Integrating Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Across the Continuum of Medical Education, Report of an Expert Panel
LA Headrick, RB Baron, SK Pingleton, KM Skeff, DP Sklar, P Varkey, ...
Association of American Medical Colleges, 2013
Faculty–Resident “Co-learning”: A Longitudinal Exploration of an Innovative Model for Faculty Development in Quality Improvement
BM Wong, J Goldman, JM Goguen, C Base, L Rotteau, E Van Melle, ...
Academic Medicine 92 (8), 1151-1159, 2017
Real-time clinical alerting: effect of an automated paging system on response time to critical laboratory values—a randomised controlled trial
E Etchells, NKJ Adhikari, C Cheung, R Fowler, A Kiss, S Quan, W Sibbald, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 19 (2), 99-102, 2010
Building the Bridge to Quality: An Urgent Call to Integrate Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Education With Clinical Care
BM Wong, KD Baum, LA Headrick, ES Holmboe, F Moss, G Ogrinc, ...
Academic Medicine 95 (1), 59-68, 2020
Application of a trigger tool in near real time to inform quality improvement activities: a prospective study in a general medicine ward
BM Wong, S Dyal, EE Etchells, S Knowles, L Gerard, A Diamantouros, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 24 (4), 272-281, 2015
Building Capacity for Quality: A Pilot Co-Learning Curriculum in Quality Improvement for Faculty and Resident Learners
BM Wong, J Goguen, KG Shojania
Journal of graduate medical education 5 (4), 689-693, 2013
Experiential learning in project-based quality improvement education: questioning assumptions and identifying future directions
J Goldman, A Kuper, GR Baker, B Bulmer, M Coffey, L Jeffs, C Shea, ...
Academic Medicine 95 (11), 1745-1754, 2020
Educational impact of using smartphones for clinical communication on general medicine: More global, less local
RC Wu, K Tzanetos, D Morra, S Quan, V Lo, BM Wong
Journal of Hospital Medicine 8 (7), 365-372, 2013
Implementation and evaluation of an alphanumeric paging system on a resident inpatient teaching service
BM Wong, S Quan, S Shadowitz, E Etchells
Journal of Hospital Medicine 4 (8), E34-E40, 2009
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