Fundamentals of object tracking S Challa Cambridge University Press, 2011 | 547 | 2011 |
Joint target tracking and classification using radar and ESM sensors S Challa, GW Pulford IEEE transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 37 (3), 1039-1055, 2002 | 207 | 2002 |
Survey of trust models in different network domains M Momani, S Challa arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.0168, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
An introduction to Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer data fusion D Koks, S Challa DSTO Systems Sciences Laboratory, 2003 | 166 | 2003 |
Joint sensor registration and track-to-track fusion for distributed trackers NN Okello, S Challa IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 40 (3), 808-823, 2004 | 158 | 2004 |
Manoeuvring target tracking in clutter using particle filters MR Morelande, S Challa IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 41 (1), 252-270, 2005 | 146 | 2005 |
A Bayesian solution and its approximations to out-of-sequence measurement problems S Challa, RJ Evans, X Wang Information Fusion 4 (3), 185-199, 2003 | 143 | 2003 |
Nonlinear filter design using Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov probability density evolutions S Challa, Y Bar-Shalom IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 36 (1), 309-315, 2000 | 134 | 2000 |
Bayesian and dempster-shafer fusion S Challa, D Koks Sadhana 29, 145-174, 2004 | 131 | 2004 |
IMM estimator versus optimal estimator for hybrid systems Y Bar-Shalom, S Challa, HAP Blom IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 41 (3), 986-991, 2005 | 126 | 2005 |
Gating techniques for maneuvering target tracking in clutter X Wang, S Challa, R Evans IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 38 (3), 1087-1097, 2002 | 97 | 2002 |
Nonlinear filtering via generalized Edgeworth series and Gauss-Hermite quadrature S Challa, Y Bar-Shalom, V Krishnamurthy IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 48 (6), 1816-1820, 2000 | 89 | 2000 |
Sensor fusion-based visual target tracking for autonomous vehicles with the out-of-sequence measurements solution Z Jia, A Balasuriya, S Challa Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (2), 157-176, 2008 | 79 | 2008 |
Track-to-track fusion of out-of-sequence tracks S Challa, JA Legg Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion …, 2002 | 65 | 2002 |
Association of resident, facility, and geographic characteristics with chronic undernutrition in a nationally represented sample of older residents in US nursing homes S Challa, JR Sharkey, M Chen, CD Phillips The Journal of nutrition, health & aging 11 (2), 179, 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Bayesian approaches to track existence-IPDA and random sets S Challa, BN Vo, X Wang Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion …, 2002 | 56 | 2002 |
Can we trust trusted nodes in wireless sensor networks? M Momani, S Challa, R Alhmouz 2008 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
Road curb tracking in an urban environment WS Wijesoma, KRS Kodagoda, AP Balasuriya, S Challa Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Fusion …, 2003 | 53 | 2003 |
RBATMWSN: recursive Bayesian approach to trust management in wireless sensor networks M Momani, K Aboura, S Challa 2007 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks …, 2007 | 52 | 2007 |
Method and system of identifying one or more features represented in a plurality of sensor acquired data sets S Challa US Patent 8,457,408, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |