Jeffrey B. Wenger
Jeffrey B. Wenger
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and Implications for the Structure of Wages
N Maestas, KJ Mullen, D Powell, T Von Wachter, JB Wenger
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
At the discretion of rogue agents: How automation improves women's outcomes in unemployment insurance
JB Wenger, VM Wilkins
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19 (2), 313-333, 2009
Choosing public sector employment: The impact of wages on the representation of women and minorities in state bureaucracies
JJ Llorens, JB Wenger, JE Kellough
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18 (3), 397-413, 2008
Employment, privatization, and managerial choice: Does contracting out reduce public sector employment?
S Fernandez, CR Smith, JB Wenger
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26 (1), 57-77, 2007
Demanding information: Think tanks and the US Congress
AM Bertelli, JB Wenger
British Journal of Political Science 39 (2), 225-242, 2009
Working conditions in the United States: Results of the 2015 American working conditions survey
N Maestas, KJ Mullen, D Powell, T Von Wachter, JB Wenger
Rand Corporation, 2017
Combat exposure and mental health: the long‐term effects among US Vietnam and Gulf war veterans
DM Gade, JB Wenger
Health Economics 20 (4), 401-416, 2011
Belief in a just world and attitudes toward affirmative action
VM Wilkins, JB Wenger
Policy studies journal 42 (3), 325-343, 2014
The political structure of policy diffusion
DL Fay, JB Wenger
Policy Studies Journal 44 (3), 349-365, 2016
Trading speed for accuracy? Managing goal conflict and accommodation in the US unemployment insurance program
JB Wenger, LJ O'Toole Jr, KJ Meier
Policy Studies Journal 36 (2), 175-198, 2008
Employers’ Flexibility and Employment Volatility: An Analysis of the US Personnel Supply Industry, 1972–2000
JB Wenger, AL Kalleberg
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 65 (2), 347-382, 2006
The Continuing Problems with Part-Time Jobs. EPI Issue Brief.
JB Wenger
Economic Policy Institute, 1660 L Street, NW# 1200, Washington, DC 20036 …, 2001
He said, she said: the gender wage gap according to self and proxy reports in the current population survey
J Reynolds, JB Wenger
Social Science Research 41 (2), 392-411, 2012
Barred from employment: More than half of unemployed men in their 30s had a criminal history of arrest
S Bushway, I Cabreros, JW Paige, D Schwam, JB Wenger
Science Advances 8 (7), eabj6992, 2022
Push or pull: Changes in the relative risk and growth of entrepreneurship among older households
CE Weller, JB Wenger, B Lichtenstein, C Arcand
The Gerontologist 58 (2), 308-319, 2018
Prudent investors: the asset allocation of public pension plans
CE Weller, JB Wenger
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 8 (4), 501-525, 2009
Who is middle class?
JB Wenger, MA Zaber
RAND, 2021
Divided we fall: deserving workers slip through America’s patchwork unemployment insurance system
JB Wenger
EPI Briefing Paper, Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, 2001
Asynchronous risk: Unemployment, equity markets, and retirement savings
JS Seligman, JB Wenger
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 5 (3), 237-255, 2006
Failing the unemployed: A state-by-state evaluation of unemployment insurance systems
M Emsellem, J Goldberg, R McHugh, W Primus, R Smith, JB Wenger
Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper 122, 2002
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