Credit scoring models for the microfinance industry using neural networks: Evidence from Peru A Blanco, R Pino-Mejías, J Lara, S Rayo Expert Systems with applications 40 (1), 356-364, 2013 | 306 | 2013 |
Missing value imputation on missing completely at random data using multilayer perceptrons EL Silva-Ramírez, R Pino-Mejías, M López-Coello, ... Neural Networks 24 (1), 121-129, 2011 | 228 | 2011 |
Comparison of linear regression and artificial neural networks models to predict heating and cooling energy demand, energy consumption and CO2 emissions R Pino-Mejías, A Pérez-Fargallo, C Rubio-Bellido, JA Pulido-Arcas Energy 118, 24-36, 2017 | 175 | 2017 |
Single imputation with multilayer perceptron and multiple imputation combining multilayer perceptron and k-nearest neighbours for monotone patterns EL Silva-Ramírez, R Pino-Mejías, M López-Coello Applied Soft Computing 29, 65-74, 2015 | 144 | 2015 |
Improving the management of microfinance institutions by using credit scoring models based on Statistical Learning techniques MD Cubiles-De-La-Vega, A Blanco-Oliver, R Pino-Mejías, J Lara-Rubio Expert systems with applications 40 (17), 6910-6917, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Do goats preserve the forest? Evaluating the effects of grazing goats on combustible Mediterranean scrub JM Mancilla‐Leytón, R Pino Mejías, A Martín Vicente Applied Vegetation Science 16 (1), 63-73, 2013 | 87 | 2013 |
Predicting the potential habitat of oaks with data mining models and the R system R Pino-Mejías, MD Cubiles-de-la-Vega, M Anaya-Romero, ... Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (7), 826-836, 2010 | 74 | 2010 |
Modelling soil organic carbon stocks in global change scenarios: a CarboSOIL application M Munoz-Rojas, A Jordán, LM Zavala, FA González-Peñaloza, ... Biogeosciences 10 (12), 8253-8268, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Modelling background air pollution exposure in urban environments: Implications for epidemiological research Á Gómez-Losada, JCM Pires, R Pino-Mejías Environmental Modelling & Software 106, 13-21, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Assessing water stress in a hedgerow olive orchard from sap flow and trunk diameter measurements MV Cuevas, MJ Martín-Palomo, A Diaz-Espejo, JM Torres-Ruiz, ... Irrigation Science 31 (4), 729-746, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Artificial neural networks and linear regression prediction models for social housing allocation: Fuel Poverty Potential Risk Index R Pino-Mejías, A Pérez-Fargallo, C Rubio-Bellido, JA Pulido-Arcas Energy 164, 627-641, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Characterization of background air pollution exposure in urban environments using a metric based on Hidden Markov Models Á Gómez-Losada, JCM Pires, R Pino-Mejías Atmospheric environment 127, 255-261, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Reduced bootstrap aggregating of learning algorithms R Pino-Mejías, MD Jiménez-Gamero, MD Cubiles-de-la-Vega, ... Pattern recognition letters 29 (3), 265-271, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
Testing goodness of fit for the distribution of errors in multivariate linear models MDJ Gamero, JM García, RP Mejías Journal of multivariate analysis 95 (2), 301-322, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Analysis of soil capability versus land use change by using CORINE land cover and MicroLEIS M Anaya Romero, R Pino Mejías, JM Moreira Madueno, M Munoz Rojas, ... Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
A new approach to influence analysis in linear models J Muñoz-Pichardo, J Munoz-Garcia, JL Moreno-Rebollo, R Pino-Mejias Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 393-409, 1995 | 31 | 1995 |
Finite mixture models to characterize and refine air quality monitoring networks Á Gómez-Losada, A Lozano-García, R Pino-Mejías, ... Science of the total environment 485, 292-299, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Modeling the financial distress of microenterprise start-ups using support vector machines: A case study A Blanco-Oliver, R Pino-Mejías, J Lara-Rubio Innovar 24 (SPE), 153-168, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Minimum ϕ-divergence estimation in misspecified multinomial models MD Jiménez-Gamero, R Pino-Mejías, V Alba-Fernández, ... Computational statistics & data analysis 55 (12), 3365-3378, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Impact of soft hydrothermal pre-treatments on the olive mill solid waste characteristics and its subsequent anaerobic digestion MJ Fernández-Rodríguez, D De la Lama-Calvente, A Jiménez-Rodríguez, ... Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 12 (6), 2107-2120, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |