Diego H. Milone
Diego H. Milone
Full Professor UNL. Principal Investigator CONICET.
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Gender imbalance in medical imaging datasets produces biased classifiers for computer-aided diagnosis
AJ Larrazabal, N Nieto, V Peterson, DH Milone, E Ferrante
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (23), 12592-12594, 2020
Spoken emotion recognition using hierarchical classifiers
EM Albornoz, DH Milone, HL Rufiner
Computer Speech & Language 25 (3), 556-570, 2011
Feature selection for face recognition based on multi-objective evolutionary wrappers
LD Vignolo, DH Milone, J Scharcanski
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (13), 5077-5084, 2013
Simulation of photovoltaic centrals with dynamic shading
CRS Reinoso, DH Milone, RH Buitrago
Applied Energy 103, 278-289, 2013
Domain generalization via gradient surgery
L Mansilla, R Echeveste, DH Milone, E Ferrante
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Learning deformable registration of medical images with anatomical constraints
L Mansilla, DH Milone, E Ferrante
Neural Networks 124, 269-279, 2020
Automatic recognition of quarantine citrus diseases
G Stegmayer, DH Milone, S Garran, L Burdyn
Expert systems with applications 40 (9), 3512-3517, 2013
Automatic recognition of ingestive sounds of cattle based on hidden Markov models
DH Milone, JR Galli, CA Cangiano, HL Rufiner, EA Laca
Computers and electronics in agriculture 87, 51-55, 2012
Acoustic monitoring of short-term ingestive behavior and intake in grazing sheep
JR Galli, CA Cangiano, DH Milone, EA Laca
Livestock Science 140 (1-3), 32-41, 2011
Perceptual evaluation of blind source separation for robust speech recognition
L Di Persia, D Milone, HL Rufiner, M Yanagida
Signal Processing 88 (10), 2578-2583, 2008
A real-time algorithm for acoustic monitoring of ingestive behavior of grazing cattle
JO Chelotti, SR Vanrell, DH Milone, SA Utsumi, JR Galli, HL Rufiner, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127, 64-75, 2016
Emotion recognition in never-seen languages using a novel ensemble method with emotion profiles
EM Albornoz, DH Milone
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2016
Deepred-Mt: Deep representation learning for predicting C-to-U RNA editing in plant mitochondria
AA Edera, I Small, DH Milone, MV Sanchez-Puerta
Computers in Biology and Medicine 136, 104682, 2021
Computational method for segmentation and classification of ingestive sounds in sheep
DH Milone, HL Rufiner, JR Galli, EA Laca, CA Cangiano
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 65 (2), 228-237, 2009
On the adaptability of unsupervised CNN-based deformable image registration to unseen image domains
E Ferrante, O Oktay, B Glocker, DH Milone
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 9th International Workshop, MLMI 2018 …, 2018
Predicting novel microRNA: a comprehensive comparison of machine learning approaches
G Stegmayer, LE Di Persia, M Rubiolo, M Gerard, M Pividori, C Yones, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 20 (5), 1607-1620, 2019
Monitoring and assessment of ingestive chewing sounds for prediction of herbage intake rate in grazing cattle
JR Galli, CA Cangiano, MA Pece, MJ Larripa, DH Milone, SA Utsumi, ...
Animal 12 (5), 973-982, 2018
Improving anatomical plausibility in medical image segmentation via hybrid graph neural networks: applications to chest x-ray analysis
N Gaggion, L Mansilla, C Mosquera, DH Milone, E Ferrante
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42 (2), 546-556, 2022
Deep neural architectures for highly imbalanced data in bioinformatics
LA Bugnon, C Yones, DH Milone, G Stegmayer
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31 (8), 2857-2867, 2019
ChronoRoot: High-throughput phenotyping by deep segmentation networks reveals novel temporal parameters of plant root system architecture
N Gaggion, F Ariel, V Daric, E Lambert, S Legendre, T Roulé, ...
GigaScience 10 (7), giab052, 2021
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