James L Whiteside
James L Whiteside
Professor, East Carolina University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Risk factors for prolapse recurrence after vaginal repair
JL Whiteside, AM Weber, LA Meyn, MD Walters
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 191 (5), 1533-1538, 2004
Anatomy of the obturator region: relations to a trans-obturator sling
JL Whiteside, MD Walters
International Urogynecology Journal 15, 223-226, 2004
Anatomy of ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves in relation to trocar placement and low transverse incisions
JL Whiteside, MD Barber, MD Walters, T Falcone
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 189 (6), 1574-1578, 2003
Incidence of perioperative complications of urogynecologic surgery in elderly women
KJ Stepp, MD Barber, EH Yoo, JL Whiteside, MFR Paraiso, MD Walters
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 192 (5), 1630-1636, 2005
A pilot randomized trial of levator injections versus physical therapy for treatment of pelvic floor myalgia and sexual pain
D Zoorob, M South, M Karram, J Sroga, R Maxwell, A Shah, J Whiteside
International urogynecology journal 26, 845-852, 2015
Laparoscopic management of the ovarian mass: a practical approach
JL Whiteside, HL Keup
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology 52 (3), 327-334, 2009
Clinical evaluation of anterior vaginal wall support defects: interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability
JL Whiteside, MD Barber, MF Paraiso, CM Hugney, MD Walters
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 191 (1), 100-104, 2004
Endometriosis-related pelvic pain: what is the evidence?
JL Whiteside, T Falcone
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology 46 (4), 824-830, 2003
Fatal clostridial sepsis after spontaneous abortion
JP Barrett, JL Whiteside, LA Boardman
Obstetrics & Gynecology 99 (5 Part 2), 899-901, 2002
Reliability and agreement of urodynamics interpretations in a female pelvic medicine center
JL Whiteside, A Hijaz, PB Imrey, MD Barber, MF Paraiso, RR Rackley, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 108 (2), 315-323, 2006
Quality of information on pelvic organ prolapse on the Internet
AB Kakos, DA Lovejoy, JL Whiteside
International urogynecology journal 26, 551-555, 2015
Spinal cord stimulation for intractable vulvar pain. A case report.
JL Whiteside, MD Walters, N Mekhail
The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 48 (10), 821-823, 2003
Does preoperative anal physiology testing or ultrasonography predict clinical outcome with sacral neuromodulation for fecal incontinence?
Y Quezada, JL Whiteside, T Rice, M Karram, JF Rafferty, IM Paquette
International urogynecology journal 26, 1613-1617, 2015
Fibrin sealant for management of complicated obstetric lacerations
JL Whiteside, RB Asif, RJ Novello
Obstetrics & Gynecology 115 (2 Part 2), 403-404, 2010
Anatomic and functional outcomes of sacrocolpopexy with or without posterior colporrhaphy
DJ Kaser, EL Kinsler, TA Mackenzie, P Hanissian, K Strohbehn, ...
International urogynecology journal 23, 1215-1220, 2012
Risks and adverse outcomes of sexually transmitted diseases. Patients' attitudes and beliefs.
JL Whiteside, T Katz, T Anthes, L Boardman, JF Peipert
The Journal of reproductive medicine 46 (1), 34-38, 2001
Achieving high value in the surgical approach to hysterectomy
JL Whiteside, CT Kaeser, B Ridgeway
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 220 (3), 242-245, 2019
Transrectal mesh erosion remote from sacrocolpopexy: management and comment
M Paine, JR Harnsberger, JL Whiteside
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 203 (2), e11-e13, 2010
Anterior compartment prolapse: what's new?
P Lang, JL Whiteside
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 29 (5), 337-342, 2017
Vaginal rugae: measurement and significance
JL Whiteside, MD Barber, MF Paraiso, MD Walters
Climacteric 8 (1), 71-75, 2005
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