Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - NathanA FoxLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 18
Vagal tone and temperament as predictors of emotion regulation strategies in young children
AK Santucci, JS Silk, DS Shaw, A Gentzler, NA Fox, M Kovacs
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2008
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Pathways to aggression and social withdrawal: Interactions among temperament, attachment, and regulation
NA Fox, SD Calkins
Social withdrawal, inhibition, and shyness in childhood, 81-100, 2013
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Attention bias modification for youth with social anxiety disorder
L Pergamin‐Hight, DS Pine, NA Fox, Y Bar‐Haim
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57 (11), 1317-1325, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
The Bucharest Early Intervention Project: Case study in the ethics of mental health research
CH Zeanah, NA Fox, CA Nelson
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 200 (3), 243-247, 2012
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Hemispheric specialization and attachment behaviors: Developmental processes and individual differences in separation protest
NA Fox, RJ Davidson
Intersections with attachment, 147-164, 2013
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Factors contributing to the emergence of anxiety among behaviorally inhibited children: The role of attention
NA Fox
New directions for child and adolescent development 2010 (127), 33-49, 2010
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Frontal brain asymmetry and vulnerability to stress: Individual differences in infant temperament
NA Fox
Stress and coping in infancy and childhood, 83-100, 2013
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
The effects of early severe psychosocial deprivation on children’s cognitive and social development: Lessons from the Bucharest early intervention project
NA Fox, CA Nelson, CH Zeanah
Families and child health, 33-41, 2013
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Effects of a monthly unconditional cash transfer starting at birth on family investments among US families with low income
LA Gennetian, GJ Duncan, NA Fox, S Halpern-Meekin, K Magnuson, ...
Nature human behaviour 8 (8), 1514-1529, 2024
Mandaatit: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson …
The role of individual differences in infant personality in the formation of attachment relationships
NA Fox
Emotion, Cognition, Health, and Development in Children and Adolescents (PLE …, 2014
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Unconditional Cash and Breastfeeding, Child Care, and Maternal Employment among Families with Young Children Residing in Poverty
L Stilwell, M Morales-Gracia, K Magnuson, LA Gennetian, M Sauval, ...
Social Service Review 98 (2), 260-292, 2024
Mandaatit: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson …
S46. Institutional Care is Associated With Changes in Brain Electrical Activity: Results From a Longitudinal, Randomized Control Trial of Children in Romania
R Debnath, A Tang, GA Buzzell, NA Fox, CH Zeanah, CA Nelson
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S364-S365, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
S8. Influence of Behavioral Inhibition and EEG Resting State on Social Anxiety Symptoms
A Harrewijn, GA Buzzell, R Debnath, DS Pine, NA Fox
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S349-S350, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Physical and neurophysiological maturation associated with ADHD among previously institutionalized children: a randomized controlled trial
AB Arnett, M Antúnez, C Zeanah, NA Fox, CA Nelson
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2025
Mandaatit: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Adolescents With a History of Early Adversity Display Altered Neural Correlates of Psychopathology
D Kanel, NA Fox, CH Zeanah, CA Nelson, KA McLaughlin, M Sheridan
Biological Psychiatry 95 (10), S14-S15, 2024
Mandaatit: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Causal Effects of Foster Care on Cognitive Ability and Adaptive Functioning in Young Adulthood
K Humphreys, K Guyon-Harris, F Tibu, CA Nelson, NA Fox, CH Zeanah
Biological Psychiatry 87 (9), S43-S44, 2020
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
S44. Catch-Up Growth, Metabolic and Inflammatory Outcomes Among Post-Institutionalized Romanian Adolescents
A Tang, N Slopen, C Nelson, C Zeanah, N Fox
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S364, 2018
Mandaatit: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
244. Behavioral Inhibition, Anxiety, and the Neural Correlates of Cognitive Control
L White, N Fox, D Pine
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S98-S99, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Saatavilla jossain: 382
Cognition assessment using the NIH Toolbox
S Weintraub, SS Dikmen, RK Heaton, DS Tulsky, PD Zelazo, PJ Bauer, ...
Neurology 80 (11_supplement_3), S54-S64, 2013
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Attention bias modification treatment: a meta-analysis toward the establishment of novel treatment for anxiety
Y Hakamata, S Lissek, Y Bar-Haim, JC Britton, NA Fox, E Leibenluft, ...
Biological psychiatry 68 (11), 982-990, 2010
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
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