Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, T Adams, ... Astrophys. J. Lett 848 (2), L12, 2017 | 4109 | 2017 |
The Murchison widefield array: the square kilometre array precursor at low radio frequencies SJ Tingay, R Goeke, JD Bowman, D Emrich, SM Ord, DA Mitchell, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 30, e007, 2013 | 1478 | 2013 |
The evolution and structure of pulsar wind nebulae BM Gaensler, PO Slane Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 44 (1), 17-47, 2006 | 1023 | 2006 |
wsclean: an implementation of a fast, generic wide-field imager for radio astronomy AR Offringa, B McKinley, N Hurley-Walker, FH Briggs, RB Wayth, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444 (1), 606-619, 2014 | 913 | 2014 |
A bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar Nature 587 (7832), 54-58, 2020 | 680 | 2020 |
The Karl G. Jansky very large array sky survey (VLASS). Science case and survey design M Lacy, SA Baum, CJ Chandler, S Chatterjee, TE Clarke, S Deustua, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132 (1009), 035001, 2020 | 676 | 2020 |
A giant γ-ray flare from the magnetar SGR 1806–20 DM Palmer, S Barthelmy, N Gehrels, RM Kippen, T Cayton, C Kouveliotou, ... Nature 434 (7037), 1107-1109, 2005 | 674 | 2005 |
Science with ASKAP: The Australian square-kilometre-array pathfinder S Johnston, R Taylor, M Bailes, N Bartel, C Baugh, M Bietenholz, C Blake, ... Experimental astronomy 22, 151-273, 2008 | 642 | 2008 |
GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) survey–I. A low-frequency extragalactic catalogue N Hurley-Walker, JR Callingham, PJ Hancock, TMO Franzen, L Hindson, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (1), 1146-1167, 2017 | 633 | 2017 |
A model of diffuse Galactic radio emission from 10 MHz to 100 GHz A de Oliveira-Costa, M Tegmark, BM Gaensler, J Jonas, TL Landecker, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 388 (1), 247-260, 2008 | 572 | 2008 |
EMU: evolutionary map of the universe RP Norris, AM Hopkins, J Afonso, S Brown, JJ Condon, L Dunne, I Feain, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 28 (3), 215-248, 2011 | 524 | 2011 |
The southern galactic plane survey: HI observations and analysis NM McClure-Griffiths, JM Dickey, BM Gaensler, AJ Green, M Haverkorn, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 158 (2), 178, 2005 | 436 | 2005 |
Dynamical formation of close binary systems in globular clusters D Pooley, WHG Lewin, SF Anderson, H Baumgardt, AV Filippenko, ... The Astrophysical Journal 591 (2), L131, 2003 | 415 | 2003 |
GLEAM: The galactic and extragalactic all-sky MWA survey RB Wayth, E Lenc, ME Bell, JR Callingham, KS Dwarakanath, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 32, e025, 2015 | 406 | 2015 |
Science with the murchison widefield array JD Bowman, I Cairns, DL Kaplan, T Murphy, D Oberoi, L Staveley-Smith, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 30, e031, 2013 | 404 | 2013 |
The first CHIME/FRB fast radio burst catalog M Amiri, BC Andersen, K Bandura, S Berger, M Bhardwaj, MM Boyce, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257 (2), 59, 2021 | 402 | 2021 |
Fundamental physics with the square kilometre array A Weltman, P Bull, S Camera, K Kelley, H Padmanabhan, J Pritchard, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37, e002, 2020 | 398 | 2020 |
Science with the Australian square kilometre array pathfinder S Johnston, M Bailes, N Bartel, C Baugh, M Bietenholz, C Blake, R Braun, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 24 (4), 174-188, 2007 | 391 | 2007 |
Nonthermal X-ray emission from the shell-type supernova remnant G347. 3–0.5 P Slane, BM Gaensler, TM Dame, JP Hughes, PP Plucinsky, A Green The Astrophysical Journal 525 (1), 357, 1999 | 383 | 1999 |
The CHIME fast radio burst project: system overview M Amiri, K Bandura, P Berger, M Bhardwaj, MM Boyce, PJ Boyle, C Brar, ... The Astrophysical Journal 863 (1), 48, 2018 | 375 | 2018 |