Mathematical cardiac electrophysiology PC Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Springer, 2014
356 2014 A Virtual Element Method for the Cahn--Hilliard Equation with Polygonal Meshes PF Antonietti, LB Da Veiga, S Scacchi, M Verani
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (1), 34-56, 2016
275 2016 Overlapping Schwarz methods for isogeometric analysis LB Da Veiga, D Cho, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (3), 1394-1416, 2012
121 2012 BDDC preconditioners for isogeometric analysis L Beirão da Veiga, D Cho, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 23 (06), 1099-1142, 2013
120 2013 Isogeometric BDDC preconditioners with deluxe scaling LB Da Veiga, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi, OB Widlund, S Zampini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (3), A1118-A1139, 2014
115 2014 Multilevel additive Schwarz preconditioners for the Bidomain reaction-diffusion system LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (1), 420-443, 2008
114 2008 A hybrid multilevel Schwarz method for the bidomain model S Scacchi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197 (45-48), 4051-4061, 2008
75 2008 On the virtual element method for topology optimization on polygonal meshes: A numerical study PF Antonietti, M Bruggi, S Scacchi, M Verani
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 74 (5), 1091-1109, 2017
71 2017 Adaptive selection of primal constraints for isogeometric BDDC deluxe preconditioners LB Da Veiga, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi, OB Widlund, S Zampini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (1), A281-A302, 2017
70 2017 A scalable Newton–Krylov–Schwarz method for the Bidomain reaction-diffusion system M Munteanu, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (5), 3861-3883, 2009
66 2009 Isogeometric Schwarz preconditioners for linear elasticity systems LB Da Veiga, D Cho, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 253, 439-454, 2013
63 2013 Modeling ventricular repolarization: effects of transmural and apex-to-base heterogeneities in action potential durations PC Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi, B Taccardi
Mathematical biosciences 214 (1-2), 140-152, 2008
48 2008 A numerical study of scalable cardiac electro-mechanical solvers on HPC architectures P Colli Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Frontiers in physiology 9, 268, 2018
46 2018 Bioelectrical effects of mechanical feedbacks in a strongly coupled cardiac electro-mechanical model P Colli Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (01), 27-57, 2016
44 2016 Parallel multilevel Schwarz and block preconditioners for the Bidomain parabolic-parabolic and parabolic-elliptic formulations LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (4), 1897-1919, 2011
44 2011 Parallel multilevel solvers for the cardiac electro-mechanical coupling PC Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Applied Numerical Mathematics 95, 140-153, 2015
42 2015 A multilevel hybrid Newton–Krylov–Schwarz method for the bidomain model of electrocardiology S Scacchi
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (5-8), 717-725, 2011
36 2011 Dynamical effects of myocardial ischemia in anisotropic cardiac models in three dimensions P Colli Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 17 (12), 1965-2008, 2007
32 2007 Newton–Krylov-BDDC solvers for nonlinear cardiac mechanics LF Pavarino, S Scacchi, S Zampini
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 295, 562-580, 2015
31 2015 Exploring anodal and cathodal make and break cardiac excitation mechanisms in a 3D anisotropic bidomain model P Colli-Franzone, LF Pavarino, S Scacchi
Mathematical biosciences 230 (2), 96-114, 2011
31 2011