Dr. Nilimesh Mridha
Dr. Nilimesh Mridha
Senior Scientist
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Application of nanotechnology in agriculture
P Pramanik, P Krishnan, A Maity, N Mridha, A Mukherjee, V Rai
Environmental Nanotechnology Volume 4, 317-348, 2020
Application of thermal imaging of wheat crop canopy to estimate leaf area index under different moisture stress conditions
K Banerjee, P Krishnan, N Mridha
Biosystems Engineering 166, 13-27, 2018
Development of an indicator based composite measure to assess livelihood sustainability of shifting cultivation dependent ethnic minorities in the disadvantageous Northeastern …
S Paul, TK Das, R Pharung, S Ray, N Mridha, N Kalita, V Ralte, ...
Ecological Indicators 110, 105934, 2020
Pre‐sowing static magnetic field treatment for improving water and radiation use efficiency in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under soil moisture stress
N Mridha, S Chattaraj, D Chakraborty, A Anand, P Aggarwal, S Nagarajan
Bioelectromagnetics 37 (6), 400-408, 2016
Prediction of mean weight diameter of soil using machine learning approaches
P Bhattacharya, PP Maity, M Ray, N Mridha
Agronomy Journal 113 (2), 1303-1316, 2021
Prediction of wheat yield using spectral reflectance indices under different tillage, residue and nitrogen management practices
S Adak, KK Bandyopadhyay, RN Sahoo, N Mridha, M Shrivastava, ...
Current Science 121 (3), 402-413, 2021
Identifying suitable soil health indicators under variable climate scenarios: a ready reckoner for soil management
J Mukherjee, N Mridha, S Mondal, D Chakraborty, A Kumar
Advances in crop environment interaction, 205-227, 2018
Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on soil hydrothermal regimes and growth of maize crop (Zea mays L.) in semi-arid tropics of Indo-Gangetic Plains
P Pramanik, B Chakrabarti, A Bhatia, SD Singh, N Mridha, P Krishnan
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-10, 2018
Comparative evaluation of inversion approaches of the radiative transfer model for estimation of crop biophysical parameters
N Mridha, RN Sahoo, VK Sehgal, G Krishna, S Pargal, S Pradhan, ...
International Agrophysics 29 (2), 201-212, 2015
Recent trends and impacts of climate change in North-Eastern region of India-A review
A Roy, D Kolady, B Paudel, A Yumnam, N Mridha, D Chakraborty, ...
Journal of Environmental Biology 42 (6), 1415-1424, 2021
Effect of pre-sowing static magnetic seed treatment on germination and root characters in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
N Mridha, S Nagarajan
Journal of Agricultural Physics 14 (1), 22-29, 2014
Accelerated retting technology for the extraction of golden fibre from the Indian Tossa jute (Corchorus sp.)
DP Ray, RK Ghosh, B Saha, A Sarkar, A Singha, N Mridha, I Das, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 380, 135063, 2022
Regional soil organic carbon prediction models based on a multivariate analysis of the Mid-infrared hyperspectral data in the middle Indo-Gangetic plains of India
AK Ghosh, KM Hati, NK Sinha, N Mridha, B Sahu
Infrared Physics & Technology 127, 104372, 2022
Assessment of potassium status in soils under different land use systems of Assam
A Das, DR Biswas, D Das, VK Sharma, R Das, P Ray, A Ghosh, N Mridha, ...
Indian J Agric Sci 89, 1077-1081, 2019
Spatio-temporal changes in wheat crop cultivation in India
P Krishnan, P Aggarwal, N Mridha, V Bajpai
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Assessment of soil health parameters using proximal hyperspectral remote sensing
S Adak, KK Bandyopadhyay, RN Sahoo, TJ Purakayastha, M Shrivastava, ...
Journal of Agricultural Physics 18 (1), 88-98, 2018
Spatial variability assessment of soil available phosphorus using geostatistical approach
BP Mondal, BS Sekhon, R Sadhukhan, RK Singh, M Hasanain, N Mridha, ...
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (6), 1170-1175, 2020
Soil physical characteristics, productivity and input use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as affected by different tillage, residue mulch and nitrogen management in …
S Adak, KK Bandyopadhyay, RN Sahoo, TJ Purakayastha, M Shrivastava, ...
J. Agric. Phys 19 (2), 239-250, 2019
Genetic algorithm based inversion modelling of PROSAIL for retrieval of wheat biophysical parameters from the reflectance data
N Mridha, RN Sahoo, DN Kumar, VK Sehgal, G Krishna, S Pradhan, ...
J. Agric. Phys 14 (1), 87-95, 2014
Monitoring and impact assessment of climate change: eddy covariance technique
S Saha, N Mridha, D Chakraborty, D Chatterjee, MK Nanda, MS Dhanya, ...
Climate Change Impacts on Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum, 595-630, 2024
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