Alexander Gluhak
Alexander Gluhak
Digital Catapult
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Non-intrusive load monitoring approaches for disaggregated energy sensing: A survey
A Zoha, A Gluhak, MA Imran, S Rajasegarar
Sensors 12 (12), 16838-16866, 2012
SmartSantander: IoT experimentation over a smart city testbed
L Sanchez, L Muñoz, JA Galache, P Sotres, JR Santana, V Gutierrez, ...
Computer Networks 61, 217-238, 2014
From today's intranet of things to a future internet of things: a wireless-and mobility-related view
M Zorzi, A Gluhak, S Lange, A Bassi
IEEE Wireless communications 17 (6), 44-51, 2010
A survey on facilities for experimental internet of things research
A Gluhak, S Krco, M Nati, D Pfisterer, N Mitton, T Razafindralambo
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (11), 58-67, 2011
Smartsantander: The meeting point between future internet research and experimentation and the smart cities
L Sanchez, JA Galache, V Gutierrez, JM Hernandez, J Bernat, A Gluhak, ...
2011 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-8, 2011
Individual energy use and feedback in an office setting: A field trial
N Murtagh, M Nati, WR Headley, B Gatersleben, A Gluhak, MA Imran, ...
Energy policy 62, 717-728, 2013
A survey on smartphone-based systems for opportunistic user context recognition
SA Hoseini-Tabatabaei, A Gluhak, R Tafazolli
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 45 (3), 1-51, 2013
Anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks in a non-stationary environment
C O'Reilly, A Gluhak, MA Imran, S Rajasegarar
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (3), 1413-1432, 2014
Low-power appliance monitoring using factorial hidden markov models
A Zoha, A Gluhak, M Nati, MA Imran
2013 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2013
Smartcampus: A user-centric testbed for internet of things experimentation
M Nati, A Gluhak, H Abangar, W Headley
2013 16th International symposium on wireless personal multimedia …, 2013
An intelligent task allocation scheme for multihop wireless networks
Y Jin, J Jin, A Gluhak, K Moessner, M Palaniswami
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (3), 444-451, 2011
The SENSEI real world Internet architecture
V Tsiatsis, A Gluhak, T Bauge, F Montagut, J Bernat, M Bauer, ...
Towards the Future Internet, 247-256, 2010
The Internet of Things
M Presser, A Gluhak
Connecting the Real World with the Digital World, EURESCOM mess@ ge–The …, 2009
IoT community technologies: leaving users to their own devices or orchestration of engagement?
M Balestrini, T Diez, P Marshall, A Gluhak, Y Rogers
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things 1 (1), 2015
Demystifying low-power wide-area communications for city IoT applications
S Kartakis, BD Choudhary, AD Gluhak, L Lambrinos, JA McCann
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network …, 2016
Internet of things cognitive transformation technology research trends and applications
O Vermesan, M Eisenhauer, H Sundmaeker, P Guillemin, M Serrano, ...
Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital Transformation, 17-95, 2022
A fast calibration method for triaxial magnetometers
SAH Tabatabaei, A Gluhak, R Tafazolli
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (11), 2929-2937, 2013
Ellipsoidal neighbourhood outlier factor for distributed anomaly detection in resource constrained networks
S Rajasegarar, A Gluhak, MA Imran, M Nati, M Moshtaghi, C Leckie, ...
Pattern recognition 47 (9), 2867-2879, 2014
Distributed anomaly detection using minimum volume elliptical principal component analysis
C O'Reilly, A Gluhak, MA Imran
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (9), 2320-2333, 2016
Contextualising water use in residential settings: A survey of non-intrusive techniques and approaches
D Carboni, A Gluhak, JA McCann, TH Beach
Sensors 16 (5), 738, 2016
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