Boris Bartikowski
Boris Bartikowski
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors
B Bartikowski, G Walsh
Journal of Business Research 64 (1), 39-44, 2011
Exploring corporate ability and social responsibility associations as antecedents of customer satisfaction cross-culturally
G Walsh, B Bartikowski
Journal of business research 66 (8), 989-995, 2013
Brand origin and country of manufacture influences on brand equity and the moderating role of brand typicality
L Hamzaoui-Essoussi, D Merunka, B Bartikowski
Journal of Business Research 64 (9), 973-978, 2011
Customer satisfaction measurement: comparing four methods of attribute categorisations
B Bartikowski, S Llosa
The Service Industries Journal 24 (4), 67-82, 2004
Culture and age as moderators in the corporate reputation and loyalty relationship
B Bartikowski, G Walsh, SE Beatty
Journal of business research 64 (9), 966-972, 2011
The type-of-internet-access digital divide and the well-being of ethnic minority and majority consumers: A multi-country investigation
B Bartikowski, M Laroche, A Jamal, Z Yang
Journal of Business Research 82, 373-380, 2018
Impact of customer‐based corporate reputation on non‐monetary and monetary outcomes: The roles of commitment and service context risk
G Walsh, B Bartikowski, SE Beatty
British Journal of Management 25 (2), 166-185, 2014
Employee emotional labour and quitting intentions: Moderating effects of gender and age
G Walsh, B Bartikowski
European Journal of Marketing 47 (8), 1213-1237, 2013
Building better employer brands through employee social media competence and online social capital
V Yoganathan, VS Osburg, B Bartikowski
Psychology & Marketing 38 (3), 524-536, 2021
Motivations to donate: Exploring the role of religiousness in charitable donations
A Jamal, A Yaccob, B Bartikowski, S Slater
Journal of Business Research 103, 319-327, 2019
The “little emperor” and the luxury brand: How overt and covert narcissism affect brand loyalty and proneness to buy counterfeits
F Fastoso, B Bartikowski, S Wang
Psychology & Marketing 35 (7), 522-532, 2018
Of countries, places and product/brand place associations: an inventory of dispositions and issues relating to place image and its effects
N Papadopoulos, M Cleveland, B Bartikowski, A Yaprak
Journal of Product & Brand Management 27 (7), 735-753, 2018
“Seeing is being”: Consumer culture and the positioning of premium cars in China
B Bartikowski, M Cleveland
Journal of Business Research 77, 195-202, 2017
Attribute framing in CSR communication: doing good and spreading the word–but how?
B Bartikowski, G Berens
Journal of Business Research 131, 700-708, 2021
Luxury cars Made-in-China: Consequences for brand positioning
B Bartikowski, F Fastoso, H Gierl
Journal of Business Research 102, 288-297, 2019
A verbal rating scale to measure Japanese consumers' perceptions of product quality
B Bartikowski, K Kamei, JL Chandon
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 22 (2), 179-195, 2010
Should all firms adapt websites to international audiences?
B Bartikowski, N Singh
Journal of Business Research 67 (3), 246-252, 2014
Attitude contagion in consumer opinion platforms: posters and lurkers
B Bartikowski, G Walsh
Electronic Markets 24, 207-217, 2014
Effects of ethical certification and ethical eWoM on talent attraction
VS Osburg, V Yoganathan, B Bartikowski, H Liu, M Strack
Journal of Business Ethics 164, 535-548, 2020
Cultural and identity antecedents of market mavenism: Comparing Chinese at home and abroad
M Cleveland, B Bartikowski
Journal of Business Research 82, 354-363, 2018
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