Ricardo F. Munoz, Ph.D.
Ricardo F. Munoz, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Emotion regulation and mental health.
JJ Gross, RF Muñoz
Clinical psychology: Science and practice 2 (2), 151, 1995
The origins and current status of behavioral activation treatments for depression
S Dimidjian, M Barrera Jr, C Martell, RF Muñoz, PM Lewinsohn
Annual review of clinical psychology 7 (1), 1-38, 2011
Nonspecific improvement effects in depression using interpersonal skills training, pleasant activity schedules, or cognitive training.
AM Zeiss, PM Lewinsohn, RF Muñoz
journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 47 (3), 427, 1979
Depression in medical outpatients: Underrecognition and misdiagnosis
EJ Pérez-Stable, J Miranda, RF Muñoz, YW Ying
Archives of Internal Medicine 150 (5), 1083-1088, 1990
Nortriptyline and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of cigarette smoking
SM Hall, VI Reus, RF Muñoz, KL Sees, G Humfleet, DT Hartz, S Frederick, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 55 (8), 683-690, 1998
Institute of Medicine report on prevention of mental disorders: summary and commentary.
RF Muñoz, PJ Mrazek, RJ Haggerty
American Psychologist 51 (11), 1116, 1996
Nicotine, negative affect, and depression.
SM Hall, RF Muñoz, VI Reus, KL Sees
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 61 (5), 761, 1993
Prevention of major depression
RF Munoz, P Cuijpers, F Smit, AZ Barrera, Y Leykin
Annual review of clinical psychology 6 (1), 181-212, 2010
Psychoeducational treatment and prevention of depression: the “Coping with Depression” course thirty years later
P Cuijpers, RF Muñoz, GN Clarke, PM Lewinsohn
Clinical psychology review 29 (5), 449-458, 2009
Psychosocial intervention development for the prevention and treatment of depression: promoting innovation and increasing access
SD Hollon, RF Muñoz, DH Barlow, WR Beardslee, CC Bell, G Bernal, ...
Biological psychiatry 52 (6), 610-630, 2002
Cognitive-behavioral intervention increases abstinence rates for depressive-history smokers.
SM Hall, RF Muñoz, VI Reus
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 62 (1), 141, 1994
How to control your drinking
WR Miller, RF Muñoz
(No Title), 1976
Using evidence-based internet interventions to reduce health disparities worldwide
RF Muñoz
Journal of medical Internet research 12 (5), e1463, 2010
Prevention of depression with primary care patients: A randomized controlled trial
RF Muñoz, YW Ying, G Bernal, EJ Pérez-Stable, JL Sorensen, ...
American journal of community psychology 23 (2), 199-222, 1995
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in low-income and minority medical outpatients: Description of a program and exploratory analyses
KC Organista, RF Muñoz, G González
Cognitive Therapy and Research 18, 241-259, 1994
Recruiting and retaining low-income Latinos in psychotherapy research.
J Miranda, F Azocar, KC Organista, RF Muñoz, A Lieberman
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64 (5), 868, 1996
Prevention of postpartum depression in low-income women: Development of the Mamás y Bebés/Mothers and Babies Course
RF Muñoz, HN Le, CG Ippen, MA Diaz, GG Urizar Jr, J Soto, T Mendelson, ...
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 14 (1), 70-83, 2007
Major depression can be prevented.
RF Muñoz, WR Beardslee, Y Leykin
American Psychologist 67 (4), 285, 2012
Toward evidence-based interventions for diverse populations: The San Francisco General Hospital prevention and treatment manuals.
RF Muñoz, T Mendelson
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (5), 790, 2005
Prevention of mental health disorders using internet-and mobile-based interventions: a narrative review and recommendations for future research
DD Ebert, P Cuijpers, RF Muñoz, H Baumeister
Frontiers in psychiatry 8, 116, 2017
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