A robust human activity recognition system using smartphone sensors and deep learning MM Hassan, MZ Uddin, A Mohamed, A Almogren Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 307-313, 2018 | 747 | 2018 |
Blockchain-based agri-food supply chain: A complete solution A Shahid, A Almogren, N Javaid, FA Al-Zahrani, M Zuair, M Alam Ieee Access 8, 69230-69243, 2020 | 447 | 2020 |
Human emotion recognition using deep belief network architecture MM Hassan, MGR Alam, MZ Uddin, S Huda, A Almogren, G Fortino Information Fusion 51, 10-18, 2019 | 317 | 2019 |
An optimized home energy management system with integrated renewable energy and storage resources A Ahmad, A Khan, N Javaid, HM Hussain, W Abdul, A Almogren, A Alamri, ... Energies 10 (4), 549, 2017 | 309 | 2017 |
An energy efficient and secure IoT-based WSN framework: An application to smart agriculture K Haseeb, I Ud Din, A Almogren, N Islam Sensors 20 (7), 2081, 2020 | 308 | 2020 |
A security model for preserving the privacy of medical big data in a healthcare cloud using a fog computing facility with pairing-based cryptography HA Al Hamid, SMM Rahman, MS Hossain, A Almogren, A Alamri IEEE Access 5, 22313-22328, 2017 | 281 | 2017 |
Autonomic computation offloading in mobile edge for IoT applications MGR Alam, MM Hassan, MZI Uddin, A Almogren, G Fortino Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 149-157, 2019 | 237 | 2019 |
A hybrid genetic wind driven heuristic optimization algorithm for demand side management in smart grid N Javaid, S Javaid, W Abdul, I Ahmed, A Almogren, A Alamri, IA Niaz Energies 10 (3), 319, 2017 | 222 | 2017 |
A blockchain-based load balancing in decentralized hybrid P2P energy trading market in smart grid R Khalid, N Javaid, A Almogren, MU Javed, S Javaid, M Zuair Ieee Access 8, 47047-47062, 2020 | 196 | 2020 |
Data sharing system integrating access control mechanism using blockchain-based smart contracts for IoT devices T Sultana, A Almogren, M Akbar, M Zuair, I Ullah, N Javaid Applied Sciences 10 (2), 488, 2020 | 194 | 2020 |
5G vehicular network resource management for improving radio access through machine learning SK Tayyaba, HA Khattak, A Almogren, MA Shah, IU Din, I Alkhalifa, ... IEEE Access 8, 6792-6800, 2020 | 161 | 2020 |
IoMT‐based automated detection and classification of leukemia using deep learning N Bibi, M Sikandar, I Ud Din, A Almogren, S Ali Journal of healthcare engineering 2020 (1), 6648574, 2020 | 160 | 2020 |
Intrusion prevention framework for secure routing in WSN-based mobile Internet of Things K Haseeb, N Islam, A Almogren, IU Din Ieee Access 7, 185496-185505, 2019 | 160 | 2019 |
Facial expression recognition utilizing local direction-based robust features and deep belief network MZ Uddin, MM Hassan, A Almogren, A Alamri, M Alrubaian, G Fortino IEEE Access 5, 4525-4536, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
A deep learning based medical image segmentation technique in Internet-of-Medical-Things domain EK Wang, CM Chen, MM Hassan, A Almogren Future Generation Computer Systems 108, 135-144, 2020 | 142 | 2020 |
Secret sharing-based energy-aware and multi-hop routing protocol for IoT based WSNs K Haseeb, N Islam, A Almogren, IU Din, HN Almajed, N Guizani IEEE Access 7, 79980-79988, 2019 | 141 | 2019 |
Increasing the trustworthiness in the industrial IoT networks through a reliable cyberattack detection model MM Hassan, A Gumaei, S Huda, A Almogren IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (9), 6154-6162, 2020 | 131 | 2020 |
Improving risk assessment model of cyber security using fuzzy logic inference system M Alali, A Almogren, MM Hassan, IAL Rassan, MZA Bhuiyan Computers & Security 74, 323-339, 2018 | 128 | 2018 |
Spammer detection and fake user identification on social networks F Masood, A Almogren, A Abbas, HA Khattak, IU Din, M Guizani, M Zuair IEEE Access 7, 68140-68152, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Systematic literature review on IoT-based botnet attack I Ali, AIA Ahmed, A Almogren, MA Raza, SA Shah, A Khan, A Gani IEEE Access 8, 212220-212232, 2020 | 122 | 2020 |