Chungwen Liang
Chungwen Liang
Creyon Bio Inc.
Ei vahvistettua sähköpostiosoitetta
Electrolytes induce long-range orientational order and free energy changes in the H-bond network of bulk water
Y Chen, HI Okur, N Gomopoulos, C Macias-Romero, PS Cremer, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501891, 2016
Hydrophobic solvation: a 2D IR spectroscopic inquest
AA Bakulin, C Liang, T la Cour Jansen, DA Wiersma, HJ Bakker, ...
Accounts of chemical research 42 (9), 1229-1238, 2009
An efficient N3-scaling propagation scheme for simulating two-dimensional infrared and visible spectra
C Liang, TLC Jansen
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (5), 1706-1713, 2012
Revealing the Solvation Structure and Dynamics of Carbonate Electrolytes in Lithium-Ion Batteries by Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectrum Modeling
C Liang, K Kwak, M Cho
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 5779–5784, 2017
Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies of Nonaqueous Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes
J Lim, KK Lee, C Liang, KH Park, M Kim, K Kwak, M Cho
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2019
Molecular determinants of desensitization in an ENaC/degenerin channel
S Roy, C Boiteux, O Alijevic, C Liang, S Bernèche, S Kellenberger
The FASEB journal 27 (12), 5034-5045, 2013
Solvent fluctuations and nuclear quantum effects modulate the molecular hyperpolarizability of water
C Liang, G Tocci, DM Wilkins, A Grisafi, S Roke, M Ceriotti
Phys. Rev. B 96, 041407, 2017
Orientational ordering of water in extended hydration shells of cations is ion-specific and is correlated directly with viscosity and hydration free energy
Y Chen, HI Okur, C Liang, S Roke
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (36), 24678-24688, 2017
Modulation of Amyloid-β42 Conformation by Small Molecules Through Nonspecific Binding
C Liang, SN Savinov, J Fejzo, SJ Eyles, J Chen
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (10), 5169-5174, 2019
Vibrational spectra of a mechanosensitive channel
C Liang, M Louhivuori, SJ Marrink, TLC Jansen, J Knoester
The journal of physical chemistry letters 4 (3), 448-452, 2013
Ab initio Modeling of the Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectrum of Interfacial Water
C Liang, J Jeon, M Cho
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10, 1153–1158, 2019
Correction to “Second-Harmonic Scattering as a Probe of Structural Correlations in Liquids”
G Tocci, C Liang, DM Wilkins, S Roke, M Ceriotti
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (21), 524-525, 2019
Second-harmonic scattering as a probe of structural correlations in liquids
G Tocci, C Liang, DM Wilkins, S Roke, M Ceriotti
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (21), 4311-4316, 2016
Simulation of two-dimensional sum-frequency generation response functions: Application to amide I in proteins
C Liang, TLC Jansen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (23), 6937-6945, 2013
Proton transport in biological systems can be probed by two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy
C Liang, TLC Jansen, J Knoester
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (4), 01B623, 2011
Structure and aggregation mechanism of β2-microglobulin (83–99) peptides studied by molecular dynamics simulations
C Liang, P Derreumaux, G Wei
Biophysical journal 93 (10), 3353-3362, 2007
The β-Strand-Loop-β-Strand Conformation Is Marginally Populated in β2-Microglobulin (20–41) Peptide in Solution as Revealed by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations
C Liang, P Derreumaux, N Mousseau, G Wei
Biophysical journal 95 (2), 510-517, 2008
Proton Transport in a Membrane Protein Channel: Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectrum Modeling
C Liang, J Knoester, TLC Jansen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (22), 6336-6345, 2012
Proton transport in a binary biomimetic solution revealed by molecular dynamics simulation
C Liang, TLC Jansen
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (11), 114502, 2011
Structural heterogeneity in the pre-amyloid oligomers of β-2-microglobulin
TM Marcinko, C Liang, S Savinov, J Chen, RW Vachet
Journal of molecular biology, 2019
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