Oscar C. Valdiviezo-Mijangos
Oscar C. Valdiviezo-Mijangos
Investigador de Tiempo completo de IMP
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Analysis of effective properties of electroelastic composites using the self-consistent and asymptotic homogenization methods
VM Levin, FJ Sabina, J Bravo-Castillero, R Guinovart-Diaz, ...
International Journal of Engineering Science 46 (8), 818-834, 2008
Overall behavior of two-dimensional periodic composites
FJ Sabina, J Bravo-Castillero, R Guinovart-Dı́az, R Rodrı́guez-Ramos, ...
International journal of solids and structures 39 (2), 483-497, 2002
Dynamic characterization of shale systems by dispersion and attenuation of P-and S-waves considering their mineral composition and rock maturity
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, R Nicolás-Lopez
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, 420-427, 2014
Rock physics templates for integrated analysis of shales considering their mineralogy, organic matter and pore fluids
R Nicolás-López, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 137, 33-41, 2016
Double-porosity model for tracer transport in reservoirs having open conductive geological faults: Determination of the fault orientation
M Coronado, J Ramírez-Sabag, O Valdiviezo-Mijangos
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (1), 65-77, 2011
Dynamic homogenization for composites with embedded multioriented ellipsoidal inclusions
FJ Sabina, CA Gandarrilla-Pérez, JA Otero, R Rodríguez-Ramos, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 69, 121-130, 2015
Propagation of electroacoustic axial shear waves in a piezoelectric medium reinforced by continuous fibers
VM Levin, O Valdiviezo-Mijangos, FJ Sabina
International Journal of Engineering Science 49 (11), 1232-1243, 2011
Inter-well tracer tests in oil reservoirs using different optimization methods: A field case
J Ramírez-Sabag, O Valdiviezo-Mijangos, M Coronado
Geofísica internacional 44 (1), 113-120, 2005
Estimation of brittleness indices for pay zone determination in a shale-gas reservoir by using elastic properties obtained from micromechanics
EG Lizcano-Hernández, R Nicolás-López, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, ...
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 15 (2), 307-314, 2018
A test of the effect of boundary conditions on the use of tracers in reservoir characterization
M Coronado, J Ramírez-Sabag, O Valdiviezo-Mijangos, C Somaruga
Geofísica internacional 48 (2), 185-193, 2009
A multimineral Rock Physics Template built from the Perfectly Disordered Method for shale lithology interpretation
R Nicolás-López, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, J Meléndez-Martínez, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 176, 532-536, 2019
On the boundary conditions in tracer transport models for fractured porous underground formations
M Coronado, J Ramirez-Sabag, O Valdiviezo-Mijangos
Revista mexicana de física 53 (4), 260-269, 2007
Elastic effective coefficients of fibre-reinforced composite with cubic symmetry constituents in a hexagonal arrangement
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, R Guinovart-Dıaz, J Bravo-Castillero, ...
Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2-3), 113-119, 2002
Micromechanical modeling of ultrasonic velocity for pore-structure and porosity characterization considering anisotropy in carbonate samples
J Mena-Negrete, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, E Coconi-Morales, ...
Geofísica internacional 60 (4), 294-319, 2021
Design and development of a robust computing workflow to build rock physics templates from a micromechanical self-consistent model
A López-Lena-Estrada, J Meléndez-Martínez, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 184, 104248, 2021
Effective elastic properties of periodic fibrous composites. Limit cases. Applications to porous and nonlinear materials
J Bravo-Castillero, R Guinovart-Diaz, FJ Sabina, OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, ...
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 13, 305-322, 2006
Rock physics templates for anisotropic and heterogeneous reservoir rocks considering mineralogy, texture and pore-filling fluid
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, LD Jaimes-Tejeda, R Nicolás-López, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 94, 104140, 2021
Self-consistent and squirt flow modelling of velocity dispersion and attenuation for effective-stress dependent experimental data
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, J Meléndez-Martínez, R Nicolás-López
Exploration Geophysics 51 (2), 248-255, 2020
Fiber-reinforced composite with cubic symmetry constituents
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos, FJ Sabina, J Bravo-Castillero, ...
Materials Letters 56 (3), 339-343, 2002
Estimating rock effective properties
OC Valdiviezo-Mijangos
PhD Thesis National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2002
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