Tomasz Sośnicki
Tomasz Sośnicki
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Hand body language gesture recognition based on signals from specialized glove and machine learning algorithms
P Pławiak, T Sośnicki, M Niedźwiecki, Z Tabor, K Rzecki
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (3), 1104-1113, 2016
Person recognition based on touch screen gestures using computational intelligence methods
K Rzecki, P Pławiak, M Niedźwiecki, T Sośnicki, J Leśkow, M Ciesielski
Information Sciences 415, 70-84, 2017
Application of computational intelligence methods for the automated identification of paper-ink samples based on LIBS
K Rzecki, T Sośnicki, M Baran, M Niedźwiecki, M Król, T Łojewski, ...
Sensors 18 (11), 3670, 2018
Robot task allocation using signal propagation model
M Żabińska, T Sośnicki, W Turek, K Cetnarowicz
Procedia Computer Science 18, 1505-1514, 2013
Advancing the landscape of multimessenger science in the next decade
K Engel, T Lewis, MS Muzio, TM Venters, M Ahlers, A Albert, A Allen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.10074, 2022
Zernike moment based classification of cosmic ray candidate hits from CMOS sensors
O Bar, Ł Bibrzycki, M Niedźwiecki, M Piekarczyk, K Rzecki, T Sośnicki, ...
Sensors 21 (22), 7718, 2021
Observation of large scale precursor correlations between cosmic rays and earthquakes with a periodicity similar to the solar cycle
P Homola, V Marchenko, A Napolitano, R Damian, R Guzik, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 247, 106068, 2023
Analysis of the capability of detection of extensive air showers by simple scintillator detectors
JS Pryga, W Stanek, KW Woźniak, P Homola, K Almeida Cheminant, ...
Universe 8 (8), 425, 2022
Are gamma passing rate and dose–volume histogram QA metrics correlated?
M Baran, Z Tabor, M Tulik, D Kabat, K Rzecki, T Sośnicki, M Waligórski
Medical Physics 48 (9), 4743-4753, 2021
A search for cosmic ray bursts at 0.1 PeV with a small Air Shower Array
R Clay, J Singh, P Homola, O Bar, D Beznosko, A Bhatt, G Bhatta, ...
Symmetry 14 (3), 501, 2022
Modeling buildings in the context of Mobile Robotics
W Turek, K Cetnarowicz, M Multan, T Sośnicki, A Borkowski
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Elektronika, 2014
Dynamic assignment of tasks to mobile robots in presence of obstacles
T Sośnicki, W Turek, K Cetnarowicz, M Żabińska
2013 18th International Conference on Methods & Models in Automation …, 2013
Simulation of the Isotropic Ultra-High Energy Photon Flux in the Solar Magnetic Field
B Poncyljusz, T Bulik, N Dhital, O Sushchov, S Stuglik, P Homola, ...
Universe 8 (10), 498, 2022
Statistical approach to the selection of the tolerances for distance to agreement improves the quality control of the dose delivery in radiotherapy
M Baran, D Kabat, M Tulik, K Rzecki, T Sośnicki, Z Tabor
Physics in Medicine & Biology 65 (14), 145004, 2020
Emergence of cooperation as a restult of mutation and inheritance in PD/PG-like game
T Wójtowicz, K Rzecki, P Pławiak, M Niedźwiecki, T Sośnicki, K Smelcerz, ...
Technical Transactions 2015 (Fundamental Sciences Issue 1-NP (19) 2015), 71-84, 2015
The CC1 project–system for private cloud computing
J Chwastowski, R Grzymkowski, M Kruk, M Nabożny, Z Natkaniec, ...
Computer Science 13, 103-111, 2012
Experimental verification of Hyper-V performance isolation quality level
K Rzecki, M Niedźwiecki, T Sośnicki, A Martyna
Computer Science 15, 159-172, 2014
Porównanie środowisk do tworzenia hybrydowych aplikacji na platformy mobilne
T Sośnicki
Przetwarzanie grafiki w przeglądarkach internetowych na urządzeniach mobilnych
A Michalak, T Sośnicki
Technologie GPS oraz iBeacon w grach społecznościowych
M Apanowicz, T Sośnicki
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