Pekka M. Rossi
Pekka M. Rossi
Assistant Professor; Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Climate change impacts on groundwater and dependent ecosystems
B Kløve, P Ala-Aho, G Bertrand, JJ Gurdak, H Kupfersberger, J Kværner, ...
Journal of Hydrology 518, 250-266, 2014
Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part I: Hydroecological status and trends
B Kløve, P Ala-Aho, G Bertrand, Z Boukalova, A Ertürk, N Goldscheider, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 770-781, 2011
Fully integrated surface–subsurface flow modelling of groundwater–lake interaction in an esker aquifer: Model verification with stable isotopes and airborne thermal imaging
P Ala-aho, PM Rossi, E Isokangas, B Kløve
Journal of Hydrology 522, 391-406, 2015
Climate‐induced warming imposes a threat to north European spring ecosystems
J Jyväsjärvi, H Marttila, PM Rossi, P Ala‐Aho, BO Olofsson, J Nisell, ...
Global change biology 21 (12), 4561-4569, 2015
Environmental tracers and indicators bringing together groundwater, surface water and groundwater-dependent ecosystems: importance of scale in choosing relevant tools
G Bertrand, D Siergieiev, P Ala-Aho, PM Rossi
Environmental earth sciences 72, 813-827, 2014
Overview of groundwater sources and water-supply systems, and associated microbial pollution, in Finland, Norway and Iceland
B Kløve, H Margrethe, L Kvitsand, T Pitkänen, MJ Gunnarsdottir, S Gaut, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (4), 1033, 2017
Groundwater–surface water interaction between an esker aquifer and a drained fen
PM Rossi, P Ala-aho, AK Ronkanen, B Kløve
Journal of hydrology 432, 52-60, 2012
UAV remote sensing surveillance of a mine tailings impoundment in sub-arctic conditions
A Rauhala, A Tuomela, C Davids, PM Rossi
Remote sensing 9 (12), 1318, 2017
Interaction of esker groundwater with headwater lakes and streams
P Ala-Aho, PM Rossi, B Kløve
Journal of Hydrology 500, 144-156, 2013
Changes in seasonality of groundwater level fluctuations in a temperate-cold climate transition zone
M Nygren, M Giese, B Kløve, E Haaf, PM Rossi, R Barthel
Journal of Hydrology X 8, 100062, 2020
Unsustainability syndrome—from meteorological to agricultural drought in arid and semi-arid regions
A Torabi Haghighi, N Abou Zaki, PM Rossi, R Noori, AA Hekmatzadeh, ...
Water 12 (3), 838, 2020
Multi-tracing of recharge seasonality and contamination in groundwater: a tool for urban water resource management
Y Vystavna, SI Schmidt, D Diadin, PM Rossi, Y Vergeles, M Erostate, ...
Water research 161, 413-422, 2019
What conditions favor the influence of seasonally frozen ground on hydrological partitioning? A systematic review
P Ala-Aho, A Autio, J Bhattacharjee, E Isokangas, K Kujala, H Marttila, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (4), 043008, 2021
Monitoring groundwater storage depletion using gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) data in Bakhtegan Catchment, Iran
N Abou Zaki, A Torabi Haghighi, P M. Rossi, M J. Tourian, B Kløve
Water 11 (7), 1456, 2019
Quantifying groundwater dependence of a sub-polar lake cluster in Finland using an isotope mass balance approach
E Isokangas, K Rozanski, PM Rossi, AK Ronkanen, B Kløve
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (3), 1247-1262, 2015
A decision analysis framework for stakeholder involvement and learning in groundwater management
TP Karjalainen, PM Rossi, P Ala-Aho, R Eskelinen, K Reinikainen, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (12), 5141-5153, 2013
Quantifying spatial groundwater dependence in peatlands through a distributed isotope mass balance approach
E Isokangas, PM Rossi, AK Ronkanen, H Marttila, K Rozanski, B Kløve
Water Resources Research 53 (3), 2524-2541, 2017
Impact of peatland drainage and restoration on esker groundwater resources: modeling future scenarios for management
PM Rossi, P Ala-aho, J Doherty, B Kløve
Hydrogeology Journal 22 (5), 1131, 2014
Does habitat restoration enhance spring biodiversity and ecosystem functions?
K Lehosmaa, J Jyväsjärvi, R Virtanen, PM Rossi, D Rados, T Chuzhekova, ...
Hydrobiologia 793, 161-173, 2017
Estimation of temporal and spatial variations in groundwater recharge in unconfined sand aquifers using Scots pine inventories
P Ala-Aho, PM Rossi, B Kløve
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 1961-1976, 2015
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