LAPACK users' guide E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, LS Blackford, J Demmel, J Dongarra, ... Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 1999 | 11035 | 1999 |
ARPACK users' guide: solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems with implicitly restarted Arnoldi methods RB Lehoucq, DC Sorensen, C Yang Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1998 | 4359 | 1998 |
Nonlinear model reduction via discrete empirical interpolation S Chaturantabut, DC Sorensen SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (5), 2737-2764, 2010 | 2274 | 2010 |
Computing a trust region step JJ Moré, DC Sorensen SIAM Journal on scientific and statistical computing 4 (3), 553-572, 1983 | 2060 | 1983 |
Implicit application of polynomial filters in ak-step Arnoldi method DC Sorensen Siam journal on matrix analysis and applications 13 (1), 357-385, 1992 | 1641 | 1992 |
A survey of model reduction methods for large-scale systems AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, S Gugercin Contemporary mathematics 280, 193-220, 2001 | 944 | 2001 |
Deflation techniques for an implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration RB Lehoucq, DC Sorensen SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 17 (4), 789-821, 1996 | 917 | 1996 |
Newton’s method with a model trust region modification DC Sorensen SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 19 (2), 409-426, 1982 | 865 | 1982 |
LAPACK: A Portable Line ar Al ge br a Li br ary fo r Hi g h-Pe rfor ma n ce Co mput ers E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, J Demmel, J Dongarra, J DuCroz, ... | 861 | 1990 |
Solving linear systems on vector and shared memory computers JJ Dongarra, IS Duff, DC Sorensen, HA Van der Vorst Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1991 | 854 | 1991 |
Numerical linear algebra for high-performance computers JJ Dongarra, IS Duff, DC Sorensen, HA Van der Vorst Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1998 | 822 | 1998 |
Rank-one modification of the symmetric eigenproblem JR Bunch, CP Nielsen, DC Sorensen Numerische Mathematik 31 (1), 31-48, 1978 | 725 | 1978 |
Dimension reduction of large-scale systems P Benner, V Mehrmann, DC Sorensen Springer, 2005 | 615 | 2005 |
Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems: An overview AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 11 (5 …, 2001 | 481 | 2001 |
A fully parallel algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue problem JJ Dongarra, DC Sorensen SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 8 (2), s139-s154, 1987 | 454 | 1987 |
An implicitly restarted Lanczos method for large symmetric eigenvalue problems D Calvetti, L Reichel, DC Sorensen Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 (1), 21, 1994 | 422 | 1994 |
The ground state correlation energy of the random phase approximation from a ring coupled cluster doubles approach GE Scuseria, TM Henderson, DC Sorensen The Journal of chemical physics 129 (23), 2008 | 355 | 2008 |
Implicitly restarted Arnoldi/Lanczos methods for large scale eigenvalue calculations DC Sorensen Parallel Numerical Algorithms, 119-165, 1997 | 349 | 1997 |
Krylov methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations WS Edwards, LS Tuckerman, RA Friesner, DC Sorensen Journal of computational physics 110 (1), 82-102, 1994 | 306 | 1994 |
Discrete empirical interpolation for nonlinear model reduction S Chaturantabut, DC Sorensen Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009 | 293 | 2009 |