David W Rothwell
David W Rothwell
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Exploring the relationship between assets and family stress among low‐income families
DW Rothwell, CK Han
Family Relations 59 (4), 396-407, 2010
Building financial knowledge is not enough: Financial self-efficacy as a mediator in the financial capability of low-income families
DW Rothwell, MN Khan, K Cherney
Financial Capability and Asset Building with Diverse Populations, 12-32, 2018
A literature review of homelessness and aging: Suggestions for a policy and practice-relevant research agenda
A Grenier, R Barken, T Sussman, D Rothwell, V Bourgeois-Guérin, ...
Canadian Journal on aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 35 (1), 28-41, 2016
Explaining achievement gaps in kindergarten and third grade: The role of self-regulation and executive function skills
JK Finders, MM McClelland, GJ Geldhof, DW Rothwell, BE Hatfield
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 54, 72-85, 2021
Understanding the financial knowledge gap: A new dimension of inequality in later life
MN Khan, DW Rothwell, K Cherney, T Sussman
Journal of gerontological social work 60 (6-7), 487-503, 2017
‘Growing old’in shelters and ‘on the street’: Experiences of older homeless people
A Grenier, T Sussman, R Barken, V Bourgeois-Guérin, D Rothwell
Journal of gerontological social work 59 (6), 458-477, 2016
Exploring the relationship between financial education and financial knowledge and efficacy: Evidence from the Canadian Financial Capability Survey
DW Rothwell, S Wu
Journal of Consumer Affairs 53 (4), 1725-1747, 2019
Comparing child poverty risk by family structure during the 2008 recession
DW Rothwell, A McEwen
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (5), 1224-1240, 2017
The prevalence and composition of asset poverty in Canada: 1999, 2005, and 2012
D Rothwell, J Robson
International Journal of Social Welfare 27 (1), 17-27, 2018
Out-of-home placement and regional variations in poverty and health and social services spending: A multilevel analysis
T Esposito, M Chabot, DW Rothwell, N Trocmé, A Delaye
Children and Youth Services Review 72, 34-43, 2017
The effects of socioeconomic vulnerability, psychosocial services, and social service spending on family reunification: A multilevel longitudinal analysis
T Esposito, A Delaye, M Chabot, N Trocmé, D Rothwell, S Hélie, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (9), 1040, 2017
Homelessness among older people
A Grenier, R Barken, T Sussman, DW Rothwell, V Bourgeois-Guérin
Canadian review of social policy, 1-39, 2016
Subjective financial well-being during emerging adulthood: The role of student debt
K Cherney, D Rothwell, J Serido, S Shim
Emerging Adulthood 8 (6), 485-495, 2020
What leads to homeless shelter re-entry? An exploration of the psychosocial, health, contextual and demographic factors
AT Duchesne, DW Rothwell
Canadian Journal of Public Health 107, e94-e99, 2016
Patterns of shelter use among men new to homelessness in later life: Duration of stay and psychosocial factors related to departure
DW Rothwell, T Sussman, A Grenier, S Mott, V Bourgeois-Guerin
Journal of Applied Gerontology 36 (1), 71-93, 2017
Asset poverty among children: A cross-national study of poverty risk
DW Rothwell, T Ottusch, JK Finders
Children and Youth Services Review 96, 409-419, 2019
Patterns and trends of Canadian social work doctoral dissertations
DW Rothwell, L Lach, A Blumenthal, B Akesson
Social Work Doctoral Education, 60-78, 2017
Savings and family functioning since the 2008 recession: An exploratory study in Singapore
CK Han, DW Rothwell
International Social Work 57 (6), 630-644, 2014
An empirical appraisal of Canadian doctoral dissertations using grounded theory: Implications for social work research and teaching
M Braganza, B Akesson, D Rothwell
Journal of Teaching in Social Work 37 (5), 528-548, 2017
Les personnes âgées itinérantes—invisibles et exclues. Une analyse de trois stratégies pour contrer l’itinérance
V Burns, A Grenier, JP Lavoie, D Rothwell, T Sussman
Frontières 25 (1), 31-56, 2012
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