Xiuquan Sun
Xiuquan Sun
DongFang Electric Corporation - Honghua Group Ltd
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Vibration characteristics and condition monitoring of internal radial clearance within a ball bearing in a gear-shaft-bearing system
M Xu, Y Han, X Sun, Y Shao, F Gu, AD Ball
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 165, 108280, 2022
Intelligent fault diagnosis of helical gearboxes with compressive sensing based non-contact measurements
X Tang, Y Xu, X Sun, Y Liu, Y Jia, F Gu, AD Ball
ISA transactions 133, 559-574, 2023
IFD-MDCN: Multibranch denoising convolutional networks with improved flow direction strategy for intelligent fault diagnosis of rolling bearings under noisy conditions
S Li, JC Ji, Y Xu, X Sun, K Feng, B Sun, Y Wang, F Gu, K Zhang, Q Ni
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 237, 109387, 2023
Vibration characteristics of compression ignition engines fueled with blended petro-diesel and Fischer-Tropsch diesel fuel from coal fuels
T Yang, T Wang, G Li, J Shi, X Sun
Energies 11 (8), 2043, 2018
Acoustics based monitoring and diagnostics for the progressive deterioration of helical gearboxes
K Lu, JX Gu, H Fan, X Sun, B Li, F Gu
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 34, 1-12, 2021
Research on the aerodynamic characteristics of tractor-trailers with a parametric cab design
J Peng, T Wang, T Yang, X Sun, G Li
Applied Sciences 8 (5), 791, 2018
Gear health monitoring and RUL prediction based on MSB analysis
Y Han, M Xu, X Sun, X Ding, X Chen, F Gu
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (5), 4400-4409, 2022
Numerical modelling of vibration responses of helical gears under progressive tooth wear for condition monitoring
X Sun, T Wang, R Zhang, F Gu, AD Ball
Mathematics 9 (3), 213, 2021
Monitoring and diagnosing the natural deterioration of multi-stage helical gearboxes based on modulation signal bispectrum analysis of vibrations
JX Gu, A Albarbar, X Sun, AM Ahmaida, F Gu, AD Ball
International Journal of Hydromechatronics 4 (4), 309-330, 2021
An integrated methodology for system-level early fault detection and isolation
J Wang, X Sun, C Zhang, X Ma
Expert Systems with Applications 201, 117080, 2022
A squeezed modulation signal bispectrum method for motor current signals based gear fault diagnosis
Y Xu, X Tang, X Sun, F Gu, AD Ball
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-8, 2022
Dynamic modelling and analysis of cracked gear system with tip relief based on proposed variable-angle deformation energy integration method
L Yang, D Zou, X Sun, L Wang, Y Shao, F Gu, A Ball, D Mba
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (5), 4141-4172, 2023
The influences of gradual wears and bearing clearance of gear transmission on dynamic responses
R Zhang, K Wang, Y Shi, X Sun, F Gu, T Wang
Energies 12 (24), 4731, 2019
A numerical study of rotor eccentricity and dynamic load in induction machines for motor current analysis based diagnostics
H Li, Z Zou, X Sun, F Gu, AD Ball
Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring 1 (2), 71-86, 2021
A model for mesh stiffness evaluation of spur gear with tooth surface wear
X Sun, T Wang, R Zhang, F Gu, AD Ball
Surveillance, Vishno and AVE conferences, 2019
A study of diagnosing reciprocating compressor faults using EMD-entropy of the airborne acoustic signals
D Mondal, X Sun, F Gu, A Ball
ShieldCrest Publishing, 2018
Diagnosing lubricant shortages in gearboxes using instantaneous phases from electrical signals
N Hamad, X Sun, R Zhang, S Abusaad, F Gu, AD Ball
2018 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2018
Feature extraction from charging profiles for state of health estimation of Lithium-Ion battery
Z Wang, G Feng, X Sun, D Zhen, F Gu, AD Ball
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2184 (1), 012024, 2022
Fault diagnostics of ac motor bearings based on envelope analysis of vibration residual signal
J Zhao, X Sun, J Wang, Z Zhou, Y Muhamedsalih, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2022
Proceedings of TEPEN 2022: Efficiency and Performance Engineering Network
H Zhang, Y Ji, T Liu, X Sun, AD Ball
Springer Nature, 2023
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