Chad Murphy
Chad Murphy
Director of Analytics at MLT
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Polarized Political Communication, Oppositional Media Hostility, and Selective Exposure
K Arceneaux, M Johnson, C Murphy
Journal of Politics 74 (1), 174-186, 2012
The Paradox of Redistricting: How Partisan Mapmakers Foster Competition but Disrupt Representation
A Yoshinaka, C Murphy
Political Research Quarterly 64 (2), 435, 2011
Partisan gerrymandering and population instability: Completing the redistricting puzzle
A Yoshinaka, C Murphy
Political Geography 28 (8), 451-462, 2009
The evolution of the modern rhetorical presidency: A critical response
C Murphy
Presidential Studies Quarterly 38 (2), 300-307, 2008
The use of peer modeling to increase self-efficacy in research methods courses
C Murphy
Journal of Political Science Education 11 (1), 78-93, 2015
Are Mapmakers Able to Target and Protect Congressional Incumbents?
C Murphy, A Yoshinaka
American Politics Research 37 (6), 955-982, 2009
The rhetorical semantics of state ballot initiative arguments in California, 1980–2004
C Murphy, S Bowler, C Burgess, M Johnson
American Political Science Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2006
Expanding the scope of selective exposure: An objective approach to measurement of media ideology
C Murphy, C Westbury
Communication Methods and Measures 7 (3-4), 224-246, 2013
Strategies of ambiguity: Modeling rhetoric in primary election campaigns
T Hayes, C Murphy, M Johnson, S Bowler
Western Political Science Association Conference, 1-29, 2008
Partisan Bias in Evaluating US Elections during the HAVA Decade: A Natural Experiment
C Murphy, M Johnson, S Bowler
Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, 2007
“It’s not the voting that’s democracy, it’s the counting”: public attitudes towards the electoral process in the wake of HAVA’
C Murphy, M Johnson, S Bowler
Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs, by Andrew B. Whitford and Jeff Yates: Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press …
C Murphy
Taylor & Francis Group 27 (2), 225-227, 2010
Presidents and Their Pens: The Story of White House Speechwriters
C Murphy
Presidential Studies Quarterly 47 (4), 842-843, 2017
Representation and Inequality in Late Nineteenth-Century America: The Politics of Apportionment. Argersinger, Peter H. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 352 pages …
C Murphy
Congress & the Presidency 43 (2), 260-262, 2016
The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions and Why We Won't Admit It
C Murphy
JOURNAL OF POLITICS 77 (3), E9-E10, 2015
A Review of “The Death of Deliberation: Partisanship and Polarization in the United States Senate” Wallner, James I. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013. 178 pages. $80.00 …
C Murphy
Congress & the Presidency 41 (3), 388-390, 2014
Political Tone: How Leaders Talk and Why
C Murphy
Presidential Stud. Q. 44, 190, 2014
The Rhetoric of Heroic Expectations: Establishing the Obama Presidency
C Murphy
Presidential Stud. Q. 44, 789, 2014
Abernathy, Penelope M.(2018): The Expanding News Desert. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Hrsg.). Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Media. https …
T Aharoni, N Kligler-Vilenchik, K Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K Arceneaux, ...
Journal of Politics 74 (1), 174-186, 0
Computational Context Analysis: A High-Dimensional Cognitive Modeling Complement to Content Analysis
C Murphy, M Johnson, C Burgess
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