Nicolas Forcadel
Nicolas Forcadel
INSA Rouen Normandie
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Reachability and minimal times for state constrained nonlinear problems without any controllability assumption
O Bokanowski, N Forcadel, H Zidani
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (7), 4292-4316, 2010
Generalized fast marching method: applications to image segmentation
N Forcadel, C Le Guyader, C Gout
Numerical Algorithms 48, 189-211, 2008
Homogenization of fully overdamped Frenkel–Kontorova models
N Forcadel, C Imbert, R Monneau
Journal of Differential Equations 246 (3), 1057-1097, 2009
Homogenization of some particle systems with two-body interactions and of the dislocation dynamics
N Forcadel, C Imbert, R Monneau
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems-series A 23 (3), pp 785--826, 2009
Convergence of a generalized fast-marching method for an eikonal equation with a velocity-changing sign
E Carlini, M Falcone, N Forcadel, R Monneau
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (6), 2920-2952, 2008
Convergence of a non-local eikonal equation to anisotropic mean curvature motion. Application to dislocations dynamics
F Da Lio, R Monneau, N Forcadel
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 10 (4), 1061-1104, 2008
Homogenization of second order discrete model and application to traffic flow
N Forcadel, W Salazar
A convergent scheme for a non-local coupled system modelling dislocations densities dynamics
A El Hajj, N Forcadel
Mathematics of computation 77 (262), 789-812, 2008
Deterministic state-constrained optimal control problems without controllability assumptions
O Bokanowski, N Forcadel, H Zidani
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 17 (4), 995-1015, 2011
Homogenization of accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova models with 𝑛 types of particles
N Forcadel, C Imbert, R Monneau
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (12), 6187-6227, 2012
Existence and uniqueness of traveling waves for fully overdamped frenkel–kontorova models
M Al Haj, N Forcadel, R Monneau
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 210, 45-99, 2013
Homogenization of the dislocation dynamics and of some particle systems with two-body interactions
N Forcadel, C Imbert, R Monneau
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 23 (3), 785-826, 2009
Dislocation dynamics with a mean curvature term: short time existence and uniqueness
N Forcadel
From heterogeneous microscopic traffic flow models to macroscopic models
P Cardaliaguet, N Forcadel
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53 (1), 309-322, 2021
A generalized fast marching method for dislocation dynamics
E Carlini, N Forcadel, R Monneau
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 49 (6), 2470-2500, 2011
Specified homogenization of a discrete traffic model leading to an effective junction condition
N Forcadel, W Salazar, M Zaydan
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 17 (5), 2173-2206, 2018
Dislocation dynamics: a non-local moving boundary
P Cardaliaguet, F Da Lio, N Forcadel, R Monneau
Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, 125-135, 2007
A junction condition by specified homogenization of a discrete model with a local perturbation and application to traffic flow
N Forcadel, W Salazar, M Zaydan
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 17 (5), 2173-2206, 2014
𝐿¹-error estimates for numerical approximations of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in dimension 1
O Bokanowski, N Forcadel, H Zidani
Mathematics of computation 79 (271), 1395-1426, 2010
Homogenization of a discrete model for a bifurcation and application to traffic flow
N Forcadel, W Salazar
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 136, 356-414, 2020
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