Steffen Klaere
Steffen Klaere
Definity Financial, Waterloo, Canada
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Regional microbial signatures positively correlate with differential wine phenotypes: evidence for a microbial aspect to terroir
S Knight, S Klaere, B Fedrizzi, MR Goddard
Scientific Reports 5, 2015
Central control of fever and female body temperature by RANKL/RANK
R Hanada, A Leibbrandt, T Hanada, S Kitaoka, T Furuyashiki, H Fujihara, ...
Nature 462 (7272), 505-509, 2009
Model selection and parameter inference in phylogenetics using nested sampling
PM Russel, BJ Brewer, S Klaere, RR Bouckaert
Systematic biology 68 (2), 219-233, 2019
Split Diversity in Constrained Conservation Prioritization using Integer Linear Programming
O Chernomor, BQ Minh, F Forest, S Klaere, T Ingram, M Henzinger, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2014
Phylogenetic diversity within seconds
BQ Minh, S Klaere, A Von Haeseler
Systematic biology 55 (5), 769-773, 2006
ObStruct: A Method to Objectively Analyse Factors Driving Population Structure Using Bayesian Ancestry Profiles
V Gayevskiy, S Klaere, S Knight, MR Goddard
PloS one 9 (1), e85196, 2014
Taxon selection under split diversity
BQ Minh, S Klaere, A Von Haeseler
Systematic biology 58 (6), 586-594, 2009
An exact algorithm for the geodesic distance between phylogenetic trees
A Kupczok, AV Haeseler, S Klaere
Journal of Computational Biology 15 (6), 577-591, 2008
Pre-fermentation fining effects on the aroma chemistry of Marlborough Sauvignon blanc press fractions
KJ Parish, M Herbst-Johnstone, F Bouda, S Klaere, B Fedrizzi
Food Chemistry 208, 326-335, 2016
Optimization of Ecofriendly Extraction of Bioactive Monomeric Phenolics and Useful Flavor Precursors from Grape Waste
RE Jelley, M Herbst-Johnstone, S Klaere, LI Pilkington, C Grose, D Martin, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4 (9), 5060-5067, 2016
MISFITS: evaluating the goodness of fit between a phylogenetic model and an alignment
MAT Nguyen, S Klaere, A von Haeseler
Molecular biology and evolution 28 (1), 143-152, 2011
A case for clustering speakers and linguistic variables: Big issues with smaller samples in language variation
M Meyerhoff, S Klaere
Language Variation - European Perspectives VI, 23-46, 2017
How well does your phylogenetic model fit your data?
D A Shepherd, S Klaere
Systematic biology 68 (1), 157-167, 2019
Fungal diversity during fermentation correlates with thiol concentration in wine
SJ Knight, S Klaere, P Morrison‐Whittle, MR Goddard
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 24 (1), 105-112, 2018
Budgeted phylogenetic diversity on circular split systems
BQ Minh, F Pardi, S Klaere, A von Haeseler
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 6 (1), 22-29, 2009
Industrial scale fining influences the aroma and sensory profile of Sauvignon blanc
KJ Parish, M Herbst-Johnstone, F Bouda, S Klaere, B Fedrizzi
LWT 80, 423-429, 2017
Split diversity: measuring and optimizing biodiversity using phylogenetic split networks
O Chernomor, S Klaere, A von Haeseler, BQ Minh
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics, 173, 2016
An algebraic analysis of the two state Markov model on tripod trees
S Klaere, V Liebscher
Mathematical Biosciences 237 (1), 38-48, 2012
Sauvignon Blanc aroma and sensory profile modulation from high fining rates
KJ Parish, M Herbst‐Johnstone, F Bouda, S Klaere, B Fedrizzi
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 23 (3), 359-367, 2017
On the group theoretical background of assigning stepwise mutations onto phylogenies
M Fischer, S Klaere, MAT Nguyen, A von Haeseler
Algorithms for Molecular Biology 7 (1), 36, 2011
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