Testing oligopolistic and oligopsonistic behaviour: an application to the us meat‐packing industry AM Azzam, E Pagoulatos Journal of Agricultural Economics 41 (3), 362-370, 1990 | 351 | 1990 |
Asymmetry and rigidity in farm‐retail price transmission AM Azzam American journal of agricultural economics 81 (3), 525-533, 1999 | 300 | 1999 |
Measuring market power and cost‐efficiency effects of industrial concentration AM Azzam The Journal of Industrial Economics 45 (4), 377-386, 1997 | 280 | 1997 |
Marketing margins, market power, and price uncertainty J Schroeter, A Azzam American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (4), 990-999, 1991 | 250 | 1991 |
Measuring market power in multi-product oligopolies: the US meat industry J Schroeter, A Azzam Applied Economics 22 (10), 1365-1376, 1990 | 209 | 1990 |
The tradeoff between oligopsony power and cost efficiency in horizontal consolidation: An example from beef packing AM Azzam, JR Schroeter Jr American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77 (4), 825-836, 1995 | 175 | 1995 |
Market power and/or efficiency: A structural approach RA Lopez, AM Azzam, C Lirón-España Review of Industrial Organization 20, 115-126, 2002 | 174 | 2002 |
Assessing competition in meatpacking: Economic history, theory, and evidence AM Azzam, DG Anderson US Department of Agriculture, Packers and Stockyards Programs, Grain …, 1996 | 128 | 1996 |
Is the world converging to a ‘Western diet’? A Azzam Public health nutrition 24 (2), 309-317, 2021 | 85 | 2021 |
Testing the competitiveness of food price spreads AM Azzam Journal of Agricultural Economics 43 (2), 248-256, 1992 | 83 | 1992 |
Implications of increased regional concentration and oligopsonistic coordination in the beef packing industry AM Azzam, JR Schroeter Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, 374-381, 1991 | 80 | 1991 |
Markdown pricing and cattle supply in the beef packing industry KW Stiegert, A Azzam, BW Brorsen American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75 (3), 549-558, 1993 | 77 | 1993 |
Captive supplies, market conduct, and the open‐market price A Azzam American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80 (1), 76-83, 1998 | 75 | 1998 |
Measuring market power in bilateral oligopoly: the wholesale market for beef JR Schroeter, AM Azzam, M Zhang Southern economic journal 66 (3), 526-547, 2000 | 68 | 2000 |
Testing the Monopsony‐Inefficiency Incentive for Backward Integration A Azzam American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (3), 585-590, 1996 | 63 | 1996 |
Testing for switching market conduct A Azzam, T Park Applied Economics 25 (6), 795-800, 1993 | 60 | 1993 |
Markov chains as a shortcut method to estimate age distributions in herds of beef cattle under different culling strategies SM Azzam, AM Azzam, MK Nielsen, JE Kinder journal of Animal Science 68 (1), 5-14, 1990 | 55 | 1990 |
A welfare measure of consumer vulnerability to rising prices of food imports in the UAE AM Azzam, B Rettab Food Policy 37 (5), 554-560, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
Competition in the US meatpacking industry: is it history? AM Azzam Agricultural economics 18 (2), 107-126, 1998 | 53 | 1998 |
Market transparency and market structure: The livestock mandatory reporting act of 1999 A Azzam American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85 (2), 387-395, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |