Teta Stamati
Teta Stamati
Associate Professor, Dep. of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Social media for openness and accountability in the public sector: Cases in the Greek context
T Stamati, T Papadopoulos, D Anagnostopoulos
Government Information Quarterly 32 (1), 12-29, 2015
Exploring the determinants of knowledge sharing via employee weblogs
T Papadopoulos, T Stamati, P Nopparuch
International Journal of Information Management 33 (1), 133-146, 2013
Exploring the impact of cultural values on project performance: The effects of cultural values, age and gender on the perceived importance of project success/failure factors
M Chipulu, U Ojiako, P Gardiner, T Williams, C Mota, S Maguire, Y Shou, ...
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 34 (3), 364-389, 2014
SQ mGov: a comprehensive service-quality paradigm for mobile government
MA Shareef, YK Dwivedi, T Stamati, MD Williams
Information Systems Management 31 (2), 126-142, 2014
Improving sustainable supply chain performance through organisational culture: A competing values framework approach
MB Osei, T Papadopoulos, A Acquaye, T Stamati
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2), 100821, 2023
A dimensional analysis of stakeholder assessment of project outcomes
M Chipulu, U Ojiako, A Marshall, T Williams, U Bititci, C Mota, Y Shou, ...
Production Planning & Control 30 (13), 1072-1090, 2019
Effect of project role, age and gender differences on the formation and revision of project decision judgements
U Ojiako, M Chipulu, P Gardiner, T Williams, C Mota, S Maguire, Y Shou, ...
International Journal of Project Management 32 (4), 556-567, 2014
From Open Source to Open Innovation practices: A case in the Greek context in light of the debt crisis
T Papadopoulos, T Stamati, M Nikolaidou, D Anagnostopoulos
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (6), 1232-1246, 2013
Cloud computing adoption in Greece
Y Alshamaila, S Papagiannidis, T Stamati
A holistic model for assessing organizational interoperability in public administration
V Margariti, T Stamati, D Anagnostopoulos, M Nikolaidou, A Papastilianou
Government Information Quarterly 39 (3), 101712, 2022
Assessment of organizational interoperability in e-Government: A new model and tool for assessing organizational interoperability maturity of a public service in practice
V Margariti, D Anagnostopoulos, A Papastilianou, T Stamati, S Angeli
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on theory and practice of …, 2020
What drives eGovernment growth? An econometric analysis on the impacting factors
S Lakka, T Stamati, C Michalakelis, D Martakos
International Journal of Electronic Governance 6 (1), 20-36, 2013
Exploring intentions towards human, social and financial capital investments in a turbulent economic environment
E Palamida, D Xanthopoulou, S Papagiannidis, T Stamati
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 18 (2), 79-90, 2017
Electronic transformation of local government: An exploratory study
T Stamati, D Martakos
E-Government Services Design, Adoption, and Evaluation, 20-38, 2013
Capital, Motives, and Their Link to Investment Intentions: The Moderating Role of the Financial Crisis in G reece
E Palamida, S Papagiannidis, D Xanthopoulou, T Stamati
Journal of Small Business Management 53, 115-144, 2015
Cross-national analysis of the relation of eGovernment maturity and OSS growth
S Lakka, T Stamati, C Michalakelis, D Anagnostopoulos
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 99, 132-147, 2015
Policy and information systems implementation: The greek property tax information system case
D Anagnostopoulos, T Papadopoulos, T Stamati, ME Balta
Information Systems Frontiers 22, 791-802, 2020
CISMET: a semantic ontology framework for regulatory-requirements-compliant information systems development and its application in the GDPR case
MM Hasan, G Kousiouris, D Anagnostopoulos, T Stamati, P Loucopoulos, ...
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 17 (1 …, 2021
An Ontology based framework for e-Government regulatory requirements compliance
MM Hasan, D Anagnostopoulos, G Kousiouris, T Stamati, P Loucopoulos, ...
International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA) 11 (2 …, 2019
Advanced e-government enterprise strategies and solutions
A Karantjias, T Stamati, D Martakos
International Journal of Electronic Governance 3 (2), 170-188, 2010
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