Carolina Tenorio
Carolina Tenorio
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Fuelwood characteristics and its relation with extractives and chemical properties of ten fast-growth species in Costa Rica
R Moya, C Tenorio
Biomass and bioenergy 56, 14-21, 2013
Relationship between wood color parameters measured by the CIELab system and extractive and phenol content in Acacia mangium and Vochysia guatemalensis from fast-growth plantations
R Moya, RS Fallas, PJ Bonilla, C Tenorio
Molecules 17 (4), 3639-3652, 2012
Comparative study on physical and mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber and plywood panels made of wood from fast-growing Gmelina arborea trees
C Tenorio, R Moya, F Muñoz
Journal of wood science 57, 134-139, 2011
Evaluation of wood properties from six native species of forest plantations in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya, C Salas, A Berrocal
Bosque 37 (1), 71-84, 2016
Quality of pellets made from agricultural and forestry crops in Costa Rican tropical climates
C Tenorio, R Moya, M Tomazello Filho, J Valaert
BioResources 10 (1), 482-498, 2015
Thermogravimetric characteristics, its relation with extractives and chemical properties and combustion characteristics of ten fast-growth species in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya
Thermochimica Acta 563, 12-21, 2013
Biomass yield and energy potential of short-rotation energy plantations of Gmelina arborea one year old in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya, D Arias-Aguilar, E Briceño-Elizondo
Industrial Crops and Products 82, 63-73, 2016
Kiln drying of Acacia mangium wood: colour, shrinkage, warp, split and check in dried lumber
C Tenorio, R Moya, HJ Quesada-Pineda
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 125-139, 2012
Short rotation wood crops in Latin American: A review on status and potential uses as biofuel
R Moya, C Tenorio, G Oporto
Energies 12 (4), 705, 2019
Kiln drying behavior utilizing drying rate of lumber from six fast-growth plantation species in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, C Salas, R Moya
Drying Technology 34 (4), 443-453, 2016
Application of the X-ray densitometry in the evaluation of the quality and mechanical properties of biomass pellets
C Tenorio, R Moya, M Tomazello Filho, J Valaert
Fuel Processing Technology 132, 62-73, 2015
Wood color variation in undried and kiln-dried plantation-grown lumber of Vochysia guatemalensis
D Aguilar-Tovar, R Moya, C Tenorio
Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 11 (3), 207-216, 2009
Influence of wood anatomy on moisture content, shrinkage and during defects in Vochysia guatemalensis Donn Sm.
R Moya, C Tenorio, Í Meyer
Evaluation of different approaches for the drying of lignocellulose residues.
C Tenorio, R Moy
BioResources 7 (3), 2012
The effect of melamine formaldehyde impregnation and hot-pressing parameters on the density profile of densified poplar wood
C Lykidis, R Moya, C Tenorio
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78 (3), 433-440, 2020
Características de combustibilidad de diez especies de plantaciones de rápido crecimiento en Costa Rica
R Moya-Roque, C Tenorio-Monge
Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú 10 (24), ág. 26-33, 2013
Kiln drying of Acacia mangium Willd wood: considerations of moisture content before and after drying and presence of wet pockets
C Tenorio, R Moya
Drying Technology 29 (15), 1845-1854, 2011
Evaluation of wood properties of four ages of Cedrela odorata trees growing in agroforestry systems with Theobroma cacao in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya
Agroforestry Systems 93 (3), 973-988, 2019
Characterisation of pellets made from oil palm residues in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya, J Valaert
J. Oil Palm Res 28, 198-210, 2016
Propiedades físico-mecánicas de tableros terciados construidos con especies tropicales de plantaciones para uso estructural
C Tenorio, R Moya, D Camacho
Cerne 18, 317-325, 2012
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