Diane Harris
Diane Harris
Senior Lecturer in Education and Senior Research Fellow, University of Manchester
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Mathematics and its value for engineering students: what are the implications for teaching?
D Harris, B Black, P Hernandez-Martinez, B Pepin, J Williams, ...
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 46 …, 2015
Pedagogy for reading for pleasure in low socio‐economic primary schools: beyond ‘pedagogy of poverty’?
A Hempel‐Jorgensen, T Cremin, D Harris, L Chamberlain
Literacy 52 (2), 86-94, 2018
Evaluation of Pupil Premium
H Carpenter, I Papps, J Bragg, A Dyson, D Harris, K Kerr, L Todd, K Laing
Department for Education, 2013
The association of classroom interactions, year group and social class
D Harris, J Williams
British Educational Research Journal 38 (3), 373-397, 2012
Discursive framings of market-based education policy and their negotiation by students: the case of ‘value for money’in English universities
S Jones, K Vigurs, D Harris
Oxford Review of education 46 (3), 375-392, 2020
To what extent is capital expenditure in UK higher education meeting the pedagogical needs of staff and students?
S Jones, MJ Sutcliffe, J Bragg, D Harris
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 38 (4), 477-489, 2016
Questioning ‘open questioning’in early years science discourse from a social semiotic perspective
D Harris, J Williams
International Journal of Educational Research 46 (1-2), 68-82, 2007
'They [the lecturers] have to get through a certain amount in an hour': first year students' problems with service mathematics lectures
D Harris, M Pampaka
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 2016
Student loans as symbolic violence
D Harris, K Vigurs, S Jones
Journal of Higher Education Policy 43 (2), 2021
Problem-based learning in clinical bioinformatics education: Does it help to create communities of practice?
AC Davies, D Harris, A Banks-Gatenby, A Brass
PLoS computational biology 15 (6), e1006746, 2019
Understanding boys (dis) engagement with reading for pleasure: Project findings
A Hempel-Jorgensen, T Cremin, D Harris, L Chamberlain
The Open University, 2017
Higher fees, higher debts: Greater expectations of graduate futures? A research-informed comic.
K Vigurs, S Jones, D Harris
92w14, 2016
Greater expectations of graduate futures? A comparative analysis of the views of the last generation of lower-fees undergraduates and the first generation of higher-fees …
K Vigurs, S Jones, D Harris
Society for Research into Higher Education, 2016
Higher fees, higher debts: Unequal graduate transitions in England?
K Vigurs, S Jones, J Everitt, D Harris
Higher education funding and access in international perspective, 81-98, 2018
Primary science
B Chart
Graduate gap years: Narratives of postponement in graduate employment transitions in England
K Vigurs, S Jones, D Harris, J Everitt
Graduate Careers in Context, 71-84, 2018
Open or Closed-That is the Question.
D Harris
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2006
Questioning strategies in the early years science activity and discourse
D Harris
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2005
Mathematics diagnostic test for first year undergraduate engineers: issues of transition and identity
D Harris, P Hernandez-Martinez, K Jooganah
The BERA Annual Conference, 2009
Questioning and Cohesion in Early Years Science Discourse
DP Harris
PQDT-Global, 2008
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